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Let Love Be Your Energy


When this song first started off I didn't like. I mean, Let Love Be Your Energy? What kind of hokie crap is this? Then as the song moved back into the chorus for a 2nd time it started to get more interesting. I heard, "I can't contain how I feel when your love shines down on me," and I thought to myself, "Now, that's friggin brilliant!" Everything in the song from that part on just kinda picked up and I actually started to believe that I too could let love be my energy. I dunno what it was, but something in my brain was triggered and it made me feel like, "Yeah! I'm going to let love be my energy. I'm going to love every single person on this damn planet!" I was about to go out and spread my new found motto in life when the phone rang. It was my ex boyfriend calling me to say that he wanted his Britney Spears Cd back and as he told me this all those nice thoughts about loving everyone quickly vanished.
*Burns Britney Cd* Bastard.