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I Put the Ass in Assistant

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The Road To Mandalay


There's just something not right about this song and I think it has to do with the bump bums. Wait a minute... Bump? As in Pumps and a Bump? Hey, didn't MC Hammer already do this song?!? Yeah, yeah he did. You can't fool me, I know my shit. Besides, I distinctly remember that Speedo he wore in the video. I mean, you don't forget something as, uh, endowed as that, ok. Man, I just knew there was something fishy about this song. Hah, Road to Mandalay my ass. You can try and cover it up with all the well thought out, soul bearing lyrics you want Mr. Bob-o Williams, but I see through your little farce.
*Whispers* I know what you've done and I'm telling....