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Concept: 006 1/2

This is an excellent video and for one reason only- it would make a great porn. I mean you've got all the criteria. The not so impressive secret agent, that, of course, is Robbie. He would make a fabulous porn star, just look at the hairy chest and white hoochie shorts. Very porn.
Then you've got the hookers and I must say the little orgy on the spinning bed thing is always an added plus in any great porn. You've got the frightening, yet still sexually appealing villain...except, that damn face has got to go. You have the cars, the money, the gambling, and who could forget all the mind altering substances? Yes, those always rock. Viva la Martinis, shaken not stirred. After lots of wild apelike sex, defeating the evil villain, and a little roulette he still has time to shake his martinis? What a man!

Over all rating- ****

Deep Thought- If Robbie really wants to shock people, then he should put a whole bunch of naked men in his next video. Yeah, a lot of naked, buff, men would be really shocking...
