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Rock DJ


I really like this song. It doesn't exactly make much sense, but it's fun. I like the lyrics because they're slighty naughty and I'm easily amused by such things. I've been told by people that Robbie doesn't like this song and do you wanna know what I have to say to that? Well, rip you too Williams, I fucking like it.
I remember the first time I heard Rock DJ. I was at school and I was in the middle of giving some old lady a perm when it came on the radio. I recognized the voice right away and I was like "Hey, this is Bob-o *Squirts perm all over the floor* Oops."
I was, needless to say, a little excited and I had every reason to be. Not only was Robbie finally getting played on that piece of crap radio station I was forced to listen to everyday, but they were also playing his new song. Geez, all that excitement in one day!
Damn, do I need to get a life...