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I Put the Ass in Assistant

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Talk To Me


I'm a little confused. So, um, is this song about a cheating bitch or what? Annnnnswer me, annnnnswer me, annnnnswer me, annnnnswer me, annnnnswer me, I SAID ANSWER ME DAMNIT! *Laughs* Sike, hah hah, I'm just playing with your balls...Ooo, I mean, no I'm not. Uh, I'm just playing with your head? No, no, that's no good either. Ok, how about this, I was just fucking kidding? Yeah, much better. Now, Talk to Me is a really said song, it even made me cry, or it could have just been my shoddy contacts again, but either way, there were a few tears being shed. This song seems like it's really sincere, which I find to be rather nice considering most songs, nowadays, are just slapped together to make a quick buck- oh, you naughty popstars. You know, I was reading in some "don't think for yourself just do what I do" magazine *Coughs* Glamour *Coughs* that the number one reason couples break up is because of lack of communication. Hmmm. Maybe they should have listened to this song....