Like, ok, my name is Garianne and this is my little Robbie Williams corner on the net. I am, without a doubt, his biggest fan and I can say that without like any hesitation because I've gone way above and beyond the call of fan duty. Everyday I try and dedicate at least one thing I do to Robbie. Whether it be humming the words to Millennium as I brush my teeth or walking around city hall with my trusty bullhorn, screaming the many reasons why we should embrace Robbie as our new world leader, I try to be the best fan I can be. |
Age: 13½
Idol: Duh, Robbie Williams.
Best Friends: Robbie. Sike, I wish!
Fave Song: Stalker's Day Off...I can totally relate.
Fave CD: The Ego Has Landed. I'd like the Ego to land in my pants. *Giggles*
Fave Food: I like cheese, the stinker the better.
Fave Drink: Ohmigawd, Pepsi, totally. Robbie looked so cute on the cans.
Fave Accessory: Do my tiger panties count?
Pet Peeves: People who don't like Robbie.
Last Thing You Lost: My training bra...I threw it Robbie.
Last Thing You Bought: Another sexy Robbie poster to plaster on my wall.
Life Ambition: Marry Robbie. |
2.) I'm currently banned from 25 states here in America, all for different reasons, but all involving Robbie in some way. For example, I'm banned from Kansas because I supposedly "vandalized" a national landmark. Oh please, give me a break. Do you call taking the world's largest ball of twine and making it into a Robbie Williams hemp necklace vandalizing? I don't think so. 3.) Every week I send a video tape to MTV's Fanatic begging to meet Robbie. Things were going really slow until I got a letter back from the show's producer saying that I should stop sending my tapes in. She said something about how they couldn't allow unstable people to meet celebrities or something like that. I'm not exactly sure what that means but I think it might be a good thing. I mean why else would the producer take time out of her busy day to write me? Duh. 4.) I know anything and EVERYTHING about Robbie. I pride myself on the fact that I know the little things that most fans over look, and this is what sets me above the rest. Like, for example, I know for a fact that Robbie has 6 toes on his right foot, which is also why he dances like someone put fire ants down his pants. It really is quite a travesty, I think, but the way he's over come his handicap makes me love him even more. 5.) I am the founder/president/only member of the Robbie Williams fan club at my Middle School. 6.) Every weekend I go on a Robbie Williams promotional tour throughout my town. I ride around on my bike, the one with the RW vanity plate on it, and I hand out pamphlets with info about Robbie in them. Then I set up a little information booth in the middle of town and sit there to try and help educate people as to who Robbie Williams is. It's the least I can do as Robbie's most dedicated fan. |