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I Put the Ass in Assistant

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Beginning Of The End
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Concept: Super Bob-o Brothers.

The video starts off showing a pair of shoes walking and I'm like, "Is this another one of those stupid skechers commercials because if so, I'm changing it..." Then the camera moves up and it shows Robbie sashaying towards a door.

Robbie: {Snaps fingers} You better work it girl. You find my ass tassels sexy don't you? Awwyeah!

Robbie walks into a room which turns out to be his secret little world domination hideout. Then the video cuts to him laying in a pod thingy. Um, excuse me? Hasn't this pod thing already been done? Can't we at least get some originality here? I mean if you've seen one pod video you've seen them...hey, wait, is he naked?!?

Computer: Subject strapped in pod...scanning data...anal probe ready to engage....

Robbie: {Eyes flying open} Ooowww!

Whoops, that looks like it hurt. Oh no, but something's gone wrong! Robbie's alter ego, Super Bob-o, has gotten loose during the pod experiment and decides he's going to run amuck. He runs over to the virtual reality game player and loads "Killer Kiss Airboarders from Hell". In this game you have to try and escape the Kiss Army by riding on an airboard. Bob-o has so much fun playing the game and he jumps for joy when he manages to kill that scary clown looking thing from the "Let Me Entertain You" video. His joy, however, is short lived, because soon after that his character runs into a wall. Awww.

Very upset Bob-o decides he's going to hump a nearby chair to relieve his frustrations. After a few minutes of pelvis thrusting he goes back to the game, but there's something wrong with it. Now, instead of "Killer Kiss Airboarders from Hell," it's "Robbie's Busta Groove." Bob-o smacks the game player hoping it'll fix it, but he ends up killing his character instead, and the player loads another game. This time it's "Riverdance Live from Vegas." Bob-o watches as the characters riverdance, and oh the horror of it all. Super Bob-o, not being able to take anymore of the Riverdance shit, kicks the player and it loads another game- "Football Made Easy." Yes! Finally a game Bob-o likes! He takes his character and he kicks the ball way up into the sky. It spins, and spins, and spins. Finally it comes falling back down to earth, where he then kicks it into the goal! The crowd goes wild. Woowww! Yippie! Bob-o's so excited about making the goal that he spills his diet coke on the player and sparks start to fly out of it. He touches the sparks and ouch! The sparks then start to fly out of his hands.

Bob-o: Ahhhhh! Ahhhhh! Hey, I wonder what they taste like...

Bob-o tastes the sparks which proves to be a big mistake. The sparks travel through his virtual body and he explodes. Game Over.

Over all rating- ****

Deep Thought- Will they be marketing this game like the tiger panties?
