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Why a Robbie Williams Site?

Top 5 Reasons I Made My Site....

05 The remote to the Tv was broken.
04 It's my subtle way of say, "Hey, I'm a Robbie Williams fan."
03 My parole officer thought it would be a good way for me to adjust back into society.
02 I'm a moron with a computer, it was bound to happen sooner or later.
01 Hell, someone's gotta promote Robbie in America.

Why a humour site?

Oh c'mon, like there aren't enough normal Robbie Williams sites already. You can only read the same thing so many times before you start to get a little bored. Besides, in case you missed it, I live in America- yes a tiny little state in America- and getting factual crap on Robbie is more trouble than it's worth. Now, maybe if I lived in, let's say L.A. or New York, I might be able to scrap together a quaint little site about him, but I live in Delaware...sad, I know. Therefore, a humour site seemed to be the best route, and, on the plus side, I knew making one would be a piece of cake for me because my fragile little mind has been warped by years of drinking contaminated Delaware well water- and the doctor said it was a bad thing. I really think a humour site appeals to, not only American, but all Robbie Williams fans. *Sobs* And I tell you, the thought of bringing fans of all races, religions, and regions together is reason enough for me. So I say, long live Robbie Williams Humour- Le fromage est smelly mais le chat l'aime!

Ok, so I'm a need to rub it in.