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More Common African Cichlids

African cichlids are very aggresive you hafta remember this because otherwise your fish will disapear and you won't understand why.Give these fish lot's of hiding places like I said before lotsa rocks piled high so there are lots of caves. Also to reduce aggressiveness cram the tank full of fish then they don't have room to become territorial.Just remember the rule one inch of adult fish per gallon.

The Kenyi

Psuedotropheus Kenyi(scientific name)is again commonly available and cheap.This is actually the picture of one with eggs in it's mouth.That would make this a female.Notice the bulging gills and mouth.They can't eat for weeks during incubation because of the babies in there mouth it's amazing to watch.They also can be very aggressive.

The Albino Kenyi

Basically the same as above but the male and female can't be seperated so easily because they are albino!Although they are just as neat and just as aggressive and a neat color change from the blues and greens of typical cichlids.

The Borleyi

Copadichromis Borleyi(scientific name)is another very colorful mbuna.With it's yellow sides on a blue background it is very attractive to the cichlid keeper. It is rather typical of African cichlids with all it's behaviors and guidelines.Oh yeah it's mean so watch it closely(sound familiar).

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