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My Second Fish Room

Again till I get a new camera or my old one fixed these pictures stink sorry.

West Wall Far Left

This is a terrible picture you can't even barely make it out but gotta describe it for you.This is a 55 gallon tank that holds one of my pairs of synspilum and a pair of salvini.We generally let them breed in the 55 then move the eggs or babies to a smaller tank it works great.To the left of that is a 10 gallon that holds my growout africans.

The West Side Of The Middle Island

This is way cool cause it holds are biggest tank.On the bottom is the 110 gallon tank which we use as a pairing off tank and it works great the fish mature fast and pair off easily because they have plenty of room.Above the110 is three 29's.The one to the far left has a trio of black zebras.The middle holds a red terror,jack dempsey hybrid it's the best one.The one to the right has a trio of feulleborni.

Below that is the highlight of this room the 110 gallon tank. It's an awesome growout tank espescially to find breeding pairs and trios of cichlids right now there is a little of everything in there.

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