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More Cichlids

More Cichlids of Great Importance


Pelvvicachromis Pulcher(technical anme) is an african cichlid and the only one I keep at this time. It is also a dwarf and I consider it kind of a wuss but it has great color especially the purple around the belly region which is brighter in the female.


Cichlasoma Festivum (technical name) this is not a big fish but it can get to be 6 inches in size. It's relatively docile and is tough to breed but it can be done. Just gat 6 or 8 of them and raise them together and sooner or later two of them will probably pair off, but no promises. Don't put this fish in with larger fish like managuense's, it will end up dead!


Alot like the festivum, only it's harder to find a female. Generally there is one female severum for every twelve males. Juveniles of this species are often substituted for discus juveniles because they look so much alike when they are young. So watch out and make sure you know what your buying and who you are buying from.

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