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A Few Ways To Be Krazee:

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Wild N' Krazee Tales

Krazee Tales
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Not Such A Normal Day
All around the world people were having a normal day. They were going to work, having breakfast, and doing their normal activities. Everyone except a little boy named J.C. When he got out of bed, he felt very strange. He felt like something weird was going to happen, and he was right. When he got on the bus to go to school no one was there, not even the bus driver. He was about to go back home when he saw a strange green light. Then, the next thing he knew he was in a spaceship with aliens. They were green with big eyes and they weren't much taller than J.C. "Hello," said the aliens,"We have a question. Do you think you could answer it?" "I guess so," said J.C. The aliens said,"What is two plus two?" J.C. was confused. Why were the aliens asking him this question? Everyone knows what two plus two is, don't they? J.C. said,"Four." "Thank you," said the aliens,"Now we are done with our homework."

Smiley Faces
Suzie Silly liked to draw smiley faces. She drew them on her homework, tests, and every place else she could. When she was a baby, she drew smiley faces on the walls. One day her teacher had had enough. She told Suzie to stop drawing all over her papers, but Suzie didn't listen. So the teacher told her parents and they told Suzie to stop it, but Suzie didn't care. Well Suzie's dad knew a professional smiley face drawer so he called her up and asked her to come talk to Suzie. The smiley face drawer told Suzie how she had done the exact same thing but she had stopped when she was told. Suzie admired the professional smiley face drawer so she stopped drawing smiley faces all over everything. But five years later Suzie's parents had a baby boy named Steve. They gave him crayons to color with, and guess what he drew... a sad face!

You might be wondering what "krazee" is. If you are, here's what it is: Krazee is being REALLY crazy. I guess you could say it's not you're average crazy, it's... it's... it's extremely crazy.
There are some advantages to being krazee. First of all, it's really fun because you can do all of the stuff that you wanted to try but you thought it was out of the ordinary. Second of all... well there is no second of all but you get the idea. Being krazee is exciting.

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