
A witch is one who has power over her own life.
One who makes her own rules.
One who refuses to submit to self-denial.
One who recognizes no authority with greater esteem than her own.
One who is more loyal to self than any abstraction.
One who is untamed.
One who is wild.

One who says "I am a witch" aloud three times.
One who transforms energy.
One who can be passionate about her ideals/values as they are changing.

One who is explosive, whose intensity is like volcanoes, floods, wind and fire
One who is disorderly, chaotic.
One who is ecstatic.
One who alters reality.

The word retains word of power.
It is a desultary insult spoken out of fear or a rubric for special powers not easily conquered or understood.
In both instances, feminity is not an obstacle to that power, but a channel for it.

Each witch is her own priestess and is responsible for her own magic.
Therein lies the real beauty of witchcraft - it´s an inherent world view in which the magic we imagined as children does exist and the power to access it is within each of us.

_Love Spell_

To gain the love of someone: On a night of the full moon, walk to a spot beneath your beloved's bedroom window, and whisper his/her name three times to the nightwind.

***In our predominant culture, love is at times seen in very possessive terms,
where the beloved is regarded as one's personal property.
If any spell uses this approach, treating a person as an object,
jealously - attempting to cut off all other relationships,
or any cruel intent,
then the ethics are seriously in doubt***

***Everyone is born with a natural magickal ability.
It is seen the most through small children.
Their minds are so powerful.
Unfortunately, as time goes by, many of us lose that magick.
We get too caught up in the mundane world with all its negativity.
We doubt ourselves.
Children tend not to do that.
They believe that anything is possible and it is.
There is much to be learned from them***


















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