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Broken links? Problem with the links? Comments? Advice? Fics you want me to host? You can Email me at

If you want me to post a fic of yours, let me know and please include the following in the beginning (it would help me alot) Thanks :-))

Title: Name of your fic here.

Author: Person who wrote the fic (Your name/name you want to go under/pen name you use/nickname)

Email: Your email address used for feedback or to contact you about the fic

Pairing/POV: What's the pairing? Is there a pairing? If not, who's the main character(s)? if not these, Who's point of view (POV)?

Rating: Use MPAA ratings system.
G - Is fine for all audiences.
PG - May have some language or violence
PG-13 - Has more violence, mild sexual content, or alot of profanity
R - Has major violence or non-explicit sexual content
NC-17 - Is explicit sexual content or extreme violence (also includes rape and torture). If you're not sure about the rating of a certain fic, rate the fic higher just to be on the safe side, i.e. rate as an NC-17 rather than a R

Summary/Teaser: Tell readers what the story is about Or make them want to read it, your choose but please include something besides a "just read it to find out" thing.

Disclaimer: We don't own these characters (but we wish we do don't we?). You could get in alot of trouble without having one of these so stay out of trouble by giving credit to those who do own this property, characters, etc...

Spoilers: Take place before, after, during, or changing an episode write here.

Comments/Notes: Got any comments about the story or series? Want to tell the reader something first before they read the story? Write it all down here. (don't necessary have to have one)

Feedback: Do you want feedback? Tell people that here. It's not necessary

After you write this excellent fic of yours, Please, SPELL CHECK IT, check for grammar mistakes, and please insert a blank line after every paragraph. Doing this would make it alot easier for me to post it, not to mention that it would make it faster too. Thanks :-)) (please, Don't forget to put in the pairing, Summary/Teaser, or the Rating!!! It's the most important when I post so I have an idea as to what it's about)

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