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(6:10-17,11:15-19,15-16:21,18-20:15,22:10-15) As first century believers looked at their world,they must have wondered at the seeming triumph of evil.The church was being persecuted,the government was corupt,and pagan morality was the norm.Revelation clearly shows that God's anger toward sin will be fully and completely unleashed.At that time Satan will be defeated with all of his agents,and false religion will be destroyed.God will reward the faithful with eternal life,and all who refuse to believe in him will face eternal punishment!


Because human nature is still sinful and because Satan still lives and works in the world,evil and injustice are prevalent.Living as a distinct minority in faith and morality,Christians can become discouraged and feel defeated.But the strong message of Revelation is that evil and injustice will not prevail forever;God's final judgement will put an end to them.We can take hope in this sure promise from God.But we also should spread the truth to others : no one who rejects Christ will escape God's punishment!