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Revelation (14:1-5,20:4-6,21:3-4)
Soon after Revelation was written,the church came under tremendous pressure from without and from within.Believers were pressured by the government,with threats of violent persecution,to renounce their faith in Christ and to worship the emperor.At the same time,a number of heresies threatened to negatively influence believers and divide the church.John wrote to encourage believers to resist the demands to worship the Roman emperor and to be devoted only to Christ.Revelation identifies the faithful people and eplains how they should live until Christ returns.


Christians today still face pressures to compromise or reject their faith.In many countries persecution is as violent as it was in ancient Rome.In more affluent and civilized areas,believers face more subtle pressure to worship "Ceasar." And heresies have never been in short supply.God's message in Revelation is clear : stay focused on Christ and his Word; stay faithful and true to your calling.Regardless of the sources and strength of pressure and persecution,we must be faithful.Victory is sure for those who resist temptation and who make loyalty to Christ their top priority.