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Revelation(19:11-16,20:4-6,21:1-7,22:6-21) Christ came to earth as a man,he came as a perfect"Lamb,"without blemish or spot,fulfilling God's requirement of a perfect sacrifice for sin.When Christ returns he will come as the triumphant"Lion,"the rightful ruler and conqueror.Christ will defeat Satan,settle accounts with all those who have rejected him,and usher hisfaithful followers into eternity.Because finite humans are limited by time and space,it can seem as though Christ will never return--twenty centuries have passed since his first coming.Yet to God those years are but a flicker as his plan unfolds in his eternal present.The clear message of Revelation is that Christ's coming is sure--He will return.And he could come at any moment.What a triumphant and glorious day that will be!!

For centuries struggling and suffering christians have been given hope and strength to endure in the knowledge that their Savior could return at any time.We know that God's timing is perfect.Thus,Christ will return at just the right moment(Ephesians 1:10).At that time,he will come as King and Judge!Since no one knows when Christ will appear(Matthew 24:36),we must always be ready.This mean keeping our faith strong and living as God wants us to live!