In this study we are going to study the first few scriptures in Revelation.The book of Revelation unveils Christ and God's plan for the end of the world.It also focuses on Jesus's second coming,his victory,and how he establishes his kingdom.As we study the contents of Revelation lets not focus so much on the timetable of event or the details of Johns images or we might miss the main message, which is infinte love,power,and justice of the Lord Jesus Christ.

1:1 The revelation of Jesus Christ,which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place.He made it known by sending his angels to his servant John.
First lets look at the word Revelation.The word itself is the Greek word apokalupsis, which is where we got the word "apocalypse".Now as most of us know a revelation exposes what was formerly hidden or secret. Now God is going to reveal to the believers what must soon to take place. 1:2 John faithfully reported the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ-everything he saw. John saw the vision and then reported everything he saw.He saw the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ.Revelation,according to John,is Gods word-not simply Johns narration of what he saw.It is an eternal message.The testimony of Jesus Christ could also be translated from Jesus Christ.This book discribes the the promises and actions of God that have come true through Jesus.Although Revelation may be difficult to understand it should not be neglected.It should be carefully read and studied for it is the word of God and the testimony of Christ to all believers. It says in 1:3 Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of the prophecy,and blessed are those who hear and who keep what is written in it;for the time is near. Now who does it say is blessed? The one who reads aloud the words of the prophecy.This is the first of 7 beatitudes "blessings" in Revelation. you may find the others in(14:13,16:15,19:9,20:6,22:7)


The typical news reports-filled with violence,scandal,and political haggling-are depressing ,and we may wonder where the world is heading.God's plan from the future,however provides inspiration and encouragement because we know he will intervene in history to conquer evil.John encourages churches to read this book aloud so everyone can hear it,apply it,and be assured of the fact that God will triumph!