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Revelations (5:1-14,11:15-18,20-22:21) The sovereignty of God is a foundation theological truth.
It asserts that God totally controls what happens in the world,the universe,and human life.
Nothing occurs outside of Gods direct or permissive will.Although this truth permeates all of Scripture,it is most clear in Revelation,where the culmination of history,the final judgment of all people,and the vindication of the righteous are vividly pictured.
God is sovereign,greater than any power in the universe.God is incomparable,far above and beyond any religion,government,or leader,including Satan.God controls history for the purpose of uniting true believers in loving fellowship with Him.

Assaulted with negative news from across the world and
in our own communities,we can feel powerless and
hopeless.Often it seems as though the forces of
evil control life and will triumph.Revelation
teaches the opposite.Though Satan's power may
temporarily increase,we must not be led astray!
God is all-powerful!He is in control and will
bring His true family safely into eternal life.
Because God cares for us,we can trust Him with every aspect of our lives.