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Order your paintball magazines by following this link.  I need the money made off of this. 
Also send my pictures of your marker with a brief description and have it posted on this site.

    You cannot play this game, unless you have a set of tactics that you play by.  I have seen people just stand-up and walk around like it is there Sunday walk during the middle of the game.  For those people this page is dedicated.  Most of my ideas do seem common sense but one needs fundamentals to play by.  Much of what I gathered comes from personal experience mixed in with a little bit of FM7-8.
What To Wear
     Your clothing is important depending on the type of games you are playing and where you are playing at.  If you will be playing in an outdoors wooded area, Try wearing darker colors of green, tan, black, or various other natural colors for your area or the area you will be playing at.  For urban settings, dress in creams, blacks, and various other basic colors that you will find around buildings.  For desert, lighter tans and not bright yellows will work.  For indoor courses or speed-ball situations were blending with the surrounding area is not an issue, you can wear anything that you don't mind getting dirty.

     To move, you want to stay low to ground and move quickly.  I am not saying crawl, but rather get to a squatting position and move.  Personally, I always move this way, and by doing this during a game, I was able to infiltrate the enemy's line all the way to their rare, causing them to move into the open or other areas only to be picked off by my team.  Needless to say we won that game, and several other similar games with minimal loses.
     For more advance movement techniques, have your body become the ground.  Yes this is when you get down into the dirt and become one with the ground.  Helpful when the ground has small depressions and hills.  When doing this, do not have any parts sticking up. Your marker should be tilted sideways so the hopper is not sticking up.  Your head should be even with your body, and not sticking up
Aiming and Correct Firing Positions.
When firing aim.  It may take a few shots to learn how to aim correctly, but take the shots to learn.  Also remember that the ball curves during flight.  Learn how to use this to your advantage.  Say if the ball drops and there is a person behind a wall or something, aim a little above (depending on how bad the ball drops) the top of it and see if you can drop a ball in.
     When you are shooting, do not hose.  What I mean by hosing is, do not firing repeatedly at an object just because a person is behind it.  Wait until the person pops his or her  head up or his or her  marker, and then shoot about 3 shots over there.  The main reason why I say 3 max, is by the time that you get that third shot over there, odds are the person will already have moved back behind the wall. 
     When you are shooting from behind a wall of some sort, do not shoot from the same area.  Use the entire wall.  Say you first peer from the bottom, move to the top, then across to the other side, and then back.  This will make it appear there are multiple players in that area, and give you a better sense on what the opposing team is doing, since you will be seeing the area from different vantage points.
     When aiming your goal is to brace the marker as much as possible.  To do this stick the stock or tank firmly against the place between your shoulder and neck.  Place your nose as close as you can get it to the marker without being hit by the cocking rod.  Aim with your dominant eye along the sight rail, or if none is present along the side of the marker to the tip of the barrel.  Squeeze the trigger while either holding your breath or after you release your breath.  Squeeze the trigger with the tip of your figure.  This ensures maximal stability of your shot for even the slightest movement can through off your aim.
     To fire while running use the same method as descried above.  Shooting from the hip is not as accurate or stable.
     Always have your marker in a ready position which means hand on the barrel and hand on the grip.  Always be ready to fire.

Trapping and Ambushing
     Trapping occurs when you trap a player that is expecting you but not the other person.  All you need is two players and an enemy force.  First have one of your players advance to a fortification (wall, tree, bunker, etc...)  and have that person lie low.  Second draw an opposing team member or group towards yourself.  Third when they opposing force pass the trapper, start firing until entire opposition is tagged, or they leave the kill zone (at this point have the forward person move to a safer location.)
     Ambushing is similar except the opposition does not know of your party.  You need about two or more people (three is a good number to have) and the opposition.  There are two types of ambushes: Linear and L-Shaped.  The linear is the basic type where your party lies in hiding along a path, river, road, or other type of area where enemy forces is expected to travel down.  The L-shaped ambush is set along a curve in a road, path, rive, etc...) where the majority of you party lies at the short side of the L and an assault group lies on the long side.  Plan a Kill Zone (usually in a clearing leaving no where for the opposition to take cover), and signal to begin firing, a signal for cease firing, a signal to assault, an assault force, a security force,  a signal to retreat, and a place to retreat.  First once the Kill Zone is established and secured, hide extremely well and wait.  Second when the opposing force enters the Kill Zone give the firing signal.  Third fire for about  15 seconds and give the signal to have the security force to cease fire.  Forth have your assault force charge the area of the kill zone firing at anyone still in there (unless they are out, but then who is to say you did not know they are out.)  Fifth if the ambush fails, use the retreat signal and fall back to a more fortified area.

Going against or using a Tower
In my opinion, towers are the worst place to be at.  First you cannot move once someone knows you are in there, and escape is usually hard.  The only plus of a tower is it gives a good view of your entire field.  If your team is using communication devices or not, have your best strategist in there to coordinate moves and tactics or at least tell someone where the opposition is advancing or where you have weak points at.  Also have your best long baller (are someone who can shoot far with accuracy. 
     To assault a tower, first have two parties.  One party will keep firing into the tower disabling the tower personnel's ability to return fire.  Have the assault group move to the base of the tower.  Assault into the tower by having one person charge into the tower while another provides cover outside.  Or if grenades are allowed, toss it into the tower.

Using and Assaulting Bunkers and Trench lines
     Bunkers are one of the most useful items on the field.  They provide excellent protection, great view range, and they are accessible to leave and enter to.  Bunkers come in different shapes and sizes.  These can range from logs stacked up off the ground to complex dug in shelters that extend a few feet into and above the ground.  However though they do have different sizes, they all have the same basic tactical techniques.  The first thing to do with a bunker is to occupy those near the half way point on the field and those that are about on the hash mark area (imagine the field a football field.)  These will provide excellent security and advancement while giving your team a great idea of what the field looks like and what the opposition is doing. 
     Trench lines I would not recommend one using.  Though it does place you below the ground, once you are spotted and begin to receive fire, they become hard to escape from.  Some good things about the trenches is that they usually give a decent view of the field or provide a means to accomplish a trap move, if the person within the trench remains unseen.  To take out a trench simply apply fire to the trench while having an assault team move towards the trench until either the advancement receives return fire or they take out the opposition within the trench.