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30mm Aden Cannon

The Lightning was armed with 2 Aden cannons, they were either mounted just in front of the cockpit or in the front of the ventral tank depending on the type of Lightning. Some Lightnings were modified and had 4 adens fitted. The 30mm aden is also used by the Jaguar and Harrier.


One of the first generation of air-to-air missiles, they were carried by all the Lightning marks.

Red Top

The Red Top was an alternative to the firestreak for F.3's onwards.

Both of these missiles were carried live on QRA when intercepting TU-95 Bears or the odd U-2!!! The Lightning never fired in anger only at APC (armament practise camp) at RAF Akortiri or at a Jindivik (flare towing pillotless target drone) over the sea on sorties from RAF Valley.