
Justin: whats your full name?
GONZO: Gonzalo Jaquez JR. but everyone just calls me GONZO. peeps have called me Gonzo since i was like 5 years old
Justin: ok..date of birth?
GONZO: october 3rd 1983
Justin: lol..so how tall you standing?
GONZO: ummmm hahah im 5 foot and 1/2 a inch haha hella small....sall good though
Justin: what size shoe/skate you wear?
GONZO: i wear 7 1/2 shoe and size 7 skates
Justin: what kind of skates you roll on?
GONZO: i have USD thrones, blue boot, black cuff, tumor, and 50/50 frames thanks to jon julio:-)
Justin: lol that wus my next question..lol
GONZO: haha im way a head of you haha
Justin: favorite food?
GONZO: ummmm damn thats tuff. i guess just any food my mom makes. i love my moms cookin and anyone that has ate it will agree. ahah hella of my friends come over just to eta her food
Justin: favorite color?
GONZO: blue
Justin: favorite artist?
GONZO: ummmm i dont know man, my favs are atmosphere, 2pac, the pharcyde, the roots, and sublime
Justin: who is your sponsors?
GONZO: USD,dyna, 4th demension clothing and mecanizem
Justin: you ride for usd now?
GONZO: yea i just got on flow wit USD,and DYNA, all thanks to jon julio.....he has been a big help to me, him and erick garcia
Justin: ok so how do you think the future of rollerblading is goin to be?
GONZO: damn i dont know its hard to say, the future is going to be crazy, there are so many kids coming out of no where and are just blowing up the spot. peeps just keep gettin crazier and crazier. i cant wait to see how its going to be myself.
Justin: do you see yourself going big in the future?
GONZO: nah i dont know wat the future holds for me. im just going to keep skating and where ever it takes me it takes me. if i dont get all big and turn pro i dont care i just love rollin around and havin fun skating with my friends
Justin: thats kool..so how is oblivion doing?? i saw your grind plate in rolerwarehouse..so you guys have any upcoming things ?
GONZO: o oblivion is koo but like some of us stopped skating but we still going strong, yea man i was suprised when i seen that grindplate, well as soon as cuatsine finishes up school we going to start filming alot but im sad cause hoang is moving in january cause he going to college at berkley so im not going to see my dawg no more
Justin: that sucks..do you see oblivion in the future being a skater owned company?
GONZO: we already are a skater owned company. the skaters own the company. we film and we edit our own sections. we our a company that makes videos for skaters by the skaters
Justin: lol true...
Justin: aight well this is the end..so any shout outs??
GONZO: i wanna say wats up and thanks to my family and oblivion, brian bell, jon julio, chris acosta, erick garcia, my best friends philip, elias, stephanie, matt and marcus and my g/f Uyen i love you baby. also technocal, all my friends in norcal, allover the 626, 323,619. and all u kids out there gettin crazy.