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360 FLIP

The 360 flip is a combination between 2 tricks, the kickflip and the 360 shove-it. This is a tricky one but when you get it, its awsome. Your front foot should be set up like it would for a kickflip, at the front behing the front truck bolts with your heel hanging off the heel edge. Your backfoot should be on the tail with your toes on the toe edge./////////////Step 1: You slam down your tail like a regular ollie, and as you flick your front foot to get the spin of the kickflip you swing your back foot underneath you and behind you to get the shove-it part. If done correctly and it takes time, the board will spin a full rotation of a kickflip and the board will do a 360 rotation like a shove-it. This should all be as fast as the board would spin just for a kickflip, so you don't have to be in the air any more then you would for a kickflip.///////////////Step 2: Now you will be above the board hopefully, and you have to, because if you are not directly above the board you will land one foot or no feet. Stay above the board with you back foot coming back under you but keep it up against your body and out of the way. You should be bringing your front foot back over the board. ////////////////Step 3: Now when you see the nose come around and the grip tape come back around stomp your feet down and catch the board. If you don't time it right the board will keep spinning and you will mess up. Absorb the landing and if you did it feel proud.