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Destroying America

////////////Hook Ups---DESTROYING AMERICA\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Well to start this off i just want to say that if your looking for a skate video then don't buy this one because its about 40% of actual skating, but if you looking for a fun video with fire, destruction, running into things with a van like porta johns, trees and TV's, and pissing off cops then this is the video for you, cause it has all that and some skating. When there is skating some people that are ripping it up are:Tony Hawk, Erik Estrada, Heath Kircart and Jeremy Klein. They say this video is very controversal, but i just say its just people having fun. And i have to say that it has Bam and Bran in it so that gives it an extra point rating. I give it a 3.2 with 5 being highest.