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Jump Off A Building

//////////Toy Machine-----JUMP OFF A BUILDING\\\\\\\\\\ I knew this video would be great because the Toy Machine team is my favorite. Well i was not disappointed. These skaters which in include: Chris Senn, Elissa Steamer, Ed Templeton, Mike Maldonado, Brian Anderson, Kerry Getz, and Bam Margera, have a sick style. I just love it. Chris Senn sticks to basics and pulls out some sick ollies and wall rides out of someplace unknown. Elissa Steamer has an old school style mixed with modern basic tricks. Ed always rocks and you'll see plenty of rotations into and out of grinds. You know its a good video when Bam is in it. There are little clips like Bams Park Footy(which is footage of Bam ripping up FDR in philly), Kerry Getz Busy, and some cartoons. There is plenty of mini-ramp footage, which is always good. I rate this a 4.75 with 5 being the highest. Its another great by the best team.