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Kaiosama's small monkey friend, Bubbles was the first step in Kaio's training. To overcome his planet's unusually strong gravity, the students would chase Bubbles until he caught him. It took Goku two weeks to catch Bubbles.

Budoukai Announcher:

The announcer for all Tenkaichi Budoukai (except for the one held 100 year after the end of Dragon Ball Gt), he had a great appreciaton for martial art. He was always excited to see Goku and his friends since they were the only true martial arts masters on Earth.


The most psychically powerful of Bojack's men, Bujin is easily killed after Gohan transforms into Super Saiyan2.


Leader of the stealth ship that Krillin, Gohan and Bulma accidently boarded, Bun's hatred for Frieza and his men dates back to the death of his parents, which occured right in front of him.


One of the Dragon Ball saga's most important characters, Bulma is responsible for many essential inventions, such as the Dragon Radar. Without her, many of the most important events of the storylinhe never would have occured, such as Gohan and Krillin traveling to Namek search of that planet's dragon balls. Furthermore, Trunks wouldn't have been able to return to the past - or even existed - without her.


Participant in the 25th Tenkaichi Budokai, Butter is on of Krillin's opponents. He underestimates Krillin because of his size, but Krillin whips Butter with ease.


A fat monster encountered by Goku in Muscle Tower, Buyon is defeated when Goku punches a hole in the wall, causeing the cold air to freeze him.

Captain Chicken:

The so-called superhero who participates in the 28th Tenkaichi Budoukai, Captain Chicken forfeits after seeing the Goku and Uub fight. Pretending to hear the cries of a damsel, he runs away.

Captain Ginyu:

Before Son Goku underwent his 100x Earth's gravity training, Captain Ginyu was second only to Frieza in strength. His special ability is the body switch, witch, as the name implies, allows him to switch bodies whi his opponent. He is never killed, but rather lives his entire life as a frog after Son Goku tricks him into switching bodies with one.

Cardinal Mutchy-Motchy:

The high priest of Lude, Mutch-Motchy would terrorize anyone who failed him and his god, Lude, with a whip and decive that turns people into dolls. He hired the Para brothers to obtain the dragon balls for him so they could resurrect their god. He was killed when his pet Leon was defeated and blew up.


One of the minions of Garlic Jr. When Garlic Jr. returns, Cashew is fairly strong but is killed like all thew others.


Goku's opponent in the first round of the afterlife Budoukai, Catapy tries to tickle Goku until he gives up. After Goku frees himself, he comments on how weak Catapy really is. This angers Catapy, causing him to creat a cocoon around himself. Since hge won't hatch from the cocoon for twelve-hundred years, Goku wins the match. (Pretty weird, huh?)


Dr. Gero's master creation, Cell is supposed to be the perfect fighter, created from the cells of the universe's greatest fighters. The project takes too long to be completed during Dr. Gero's lifetime, but the doctor's computer completes the project on its own. Cell is Dr. Gero's 21st Jinzonigen. In short, he is Android 21. In the future, he kills Future Trunks and takes his time machine, returning to when Trunks first arrived. His first form is reptlian like, while his second for is more human but retains some of the lizard qualities. Upon reaching perfection, Cell looks much more human. He is eventually killed by Gohan in his Super Saiyan 2 form, with Goku's help.

Cell Juniors:

Wanting to learn the true measure of Gohan's power, CEll creates seven Cell juniors and orders them to attack the young Saiyan. They are so tough, Vegeta can't hurt them, even at full power. After Gohan transforms into Super SAiyan 2, he easily kills the Cell Juniors.


This short alien is Olive's first opponent in the afterlife Budoukai. HE is incredibly fast and fights very well but is defeated after using the split-form technique.


By far the weakest ki-controlling Z fighter (lol), Chaozu is left behind from the Cell fight. In the original Dragon Ball, Chaozu was an emperor. Throughout all of Z and GT he follows around Tenshinhan, who treats him like a brother.


Chichi is Goku's wife. She first meets Goku as a child and asks him to marry her. Thinking that marriage is a type of food, Goku agrees. Together they have two sons, Gohan and Goten. She is highly stressed and shops a lot to make up for it. Her higest hope is for Gohan to grow up and become a scholar, rather than a warrior. When Gohan does fight, however, she is proud of him but never tells anyone.

Chii Shenron:

This evil dragon was created from the wish to restore all htose killed during the 25th Tenkaichi Budoukai. The draon almost kills Pan by tricking her inside its body; however, Goku frees her and kills the beast, restoring the seven-star dragon ball.

Chindai Ken:

Owner of a martial arts school, Chindai Ken is a master of Seikyokuryuken. Unfortunately, he suffers from a disease that quickly drains all his energy.

Chinshyou Ken:

Son of Sensei Chindai, Chinshyou Ken, like Vegeta, is very proud and thinks Goku is weak. To prevent Goku from participating in the Tenkaichi Budoukai, he puts a laxative in his soup.
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