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Goku saves this little girl during his second trip around the world. After he saves her, she asks him to save her entire village from Ginkaky and Kinkaku.


Met by Goku during his training with Mr. Popo, Chyru asks Goku to help her find her lost bird. Have a good heart, Goku helps her.


This mall child was the be sacrificed in the 10th movie to save a village from a monster. When Videl, Trunks and goten arrived, she is spared, as they promised to take care of the monster themselves.

Commander Blue:

Incredibly powerful, Commander Blue's only weakness is his fear of mice. He also hates women. He and Goku fight mid-air after he tries to kill everyone with a time bomb. Both crash into the mountains near Penguin Village. When Blue treturns to Red Ribbon's Headquarters, he's killed by Tao Pai Pai.

Commander Red:

The leader of the Red Ribbon Army, Commander Red secretly wanted the dragon balls to whis to become taller, rather than to take over the world, as his minions had thought. When Advisor Black learns of this, he shoots Commander Red and takes over the army.


Coller, Frieza's brother, goes to Earth to exact revenge on the person who killed his brother. His power is much greater thean Frieza's and he has one more transformation. He appears in two Dragon Ball Z movies, five and six. In the sixth movie, he returns as a metal cyborg and attacks the new Planet Namek.

Crane master/Tsurusennin:

The teacher of Tien and Chaozu, Trurusennin is Kame's rival. At the 22nd Tenkaichi Budokai, his students face off against Goku and friends. Upon learning of Tsurusennin's evilness, Tien and Chaozu leave his school. Enraged, Tsurusennin is about to attack his former pupils, when he is blown away by Kame's kamehameha.


Piccolo Daimoa's second offspring, Cymbol is sent to find the dragon balls. While attempting to steal Goku's ball, this unlucky alien is cooked and eaten by Yajirobe.

Daigorou Kurigashisa:

Appeared in the Dr. Slump/Dragon Ball crossover.

Dai Kaio:

Said to be the aferlife's stronges warrior, Dai Kaio is the head of all the Kaio. He presides over the afterlife tournament and promises to personally train the winner, making him or her his first pupil. After Goku wins the torunement, Dai Kaio reneges on his promise because he is afraid Goku will be better than him.

Dai Kaioshin:

The god of gods, Dai Kaioshin is kindly and fat. During Eas Kaioshin and Majin Buu's battle, he saves East Kaioshin and blows Buu into piecees. When Buu reforms himself, he absorbs the benevolent god, resulting in Fat Buu. However, Buu retains some of Dai Kaioshin's kindness, changing him from a demon to a laid-back chow-hound.


Daisuko, a sumo-like figher, competes in the 9th movie's tournament. After reaching the finals, he, like the others, is sent to a second island to compete. However, he is killed almost instantly by Bido.


Taurus' minion in the third movie, Daizu is killed by Goku.


The small Namekseijin rescued from Dodoria by Son Gohan and Krillin, Dende is taken from his village after his family is killed. After Cell is discovered and Kamesama fuses with Piccolo, Dende is brought to Earth to become the new god of the Earth and create new dragon balls.


This fat, purple henchman if Frieza is killed by Vegeta after revealing to him the truth about planet Vegeta's destruction.


This reclusice prophet of Lude is fascinated with dolls, especially the Pan doll. During his infrequent public appearances, he performs phony miracles to dup his followers. He eventually turns all of the Lude's followers into dolls so Lude can steal their energy anad revive himself.


Domma, Lenne's betrothed, joins Goku and the others when they face Zunama, despite thinking that he didn't stand a chance of returning alive.

Doore: This member of the Coller Tokusentai is killed by Piccolo.


Dorodabo, Lord Slug's gargoyle-like henchman, is killed by piccolo.


Overlord of the demon world, Doubler travels to Earth with Babi-Dee in hope of gathering enough energy to resurrect Majin Buu. With his special ability, he turns Krillin an dPiccolo into stone before being eaten by Buu.

Dr. Briefs:

Father of the ever-annoying Bulma, Dr. Briefs builds three ships used by the Z Senshi during the DBZ. He also helps repair Android 16. Dr. Frappe:

Android 8's creator, Dr. Fappe is a brilliant scientist whose genius is exploited by the Red Ribbon Army. When Android 8 refuses to kill Goku, the Saiyan saves both Frappe and Android 8. Afterwards the doctor removes Android 8's bomb.

Dr. Kochin:

Dr. Wheelo's assistant, Dr. Koshin's job was to find the one strong enough for Dr. Whelo to take over. He became too old after Dr. Whelo was imprisoned and was replaced by a robot.

Dr. Kori:

The scientist in the 11th Dragon Ball movie who helped create bio Burori.

Dr. Myuu:

Dr. Myuu is the genius responsible for creating Bebi. After being killed by his creation, the doctor is sent to hell, where he meets Dr. Gero. Conspiring together to complete the unfinished Android 17, the two create a hell figher who merges with the original Android 17, creating Super 17 (or some call him Super Hell Fighter).

Dr. Raichii:

This scientist is the main villian of the DBZ OVA special. In the attempt to rid the universe of the Saiyan, he sends Destron gas-emitting machines to Earth, capable of destroying all life. The Z Senshi destroy all but one, whi is proteceted by an unbreakable energy shield. Traveling to the dark planet to face Dr. Raichii, the Z Senshi fight and easily kill the doctor; however, his cyborg proves more of a problem. Combining all of their ki attacks, the heroes destroy the cyborg, causing the gas machine to explode.

Dr. Wheelo:

One of the smartest men on Earth, Dr. Wheelo used his genius for evil and was impisoned in ice, which preserved his brain. After his assistaint, Dr. Koshin, uses the dragon balls to free him from his icy tomb, Dr. Wheelo seeks out Master Roshi to obtain his body. After learning that goku is stronger, however, he settles for a new target.

Dracula Man:

The first fighter of Oranai Baba, Drcaula Man is fast and has the ability to change into a bat. He wins his first battle by sucking blood from Krillin's head. He is defeated by upa and Puar when they uses crosses and garlic to trick him into flying out of the ring and then smack him into the water.


Created to finish of Tien, Drum was Piccolo's third child. When Goku arrifes to help, he easily kills him.

East Kaio:

The only female Kaio, East Kaio loves jet bike racing. In order to complete in the afterlife tournament, goku had to race and defeat her.

East Kaioshin:

East KaioShin, one of the higher gods of the universe, kills Bibi-Dee after Majin Buu is sealed away. After learning that Babi-Dee was trying to resurrect Buu, he travels to Earth with Kibito to stop him. He is nearly killed by Buu but is healed by Kibito after he is resurrected by the dragon balls. Feeling that there is no other choice, KaioShin brings Gohan to planet KaioShin Kai to free the Zed Sword. KaiShin eventually fuses with Kibito when they takk off opposite Potara earrings to demonstrate the Potara's power.


One of the bio-warriors who works for Dr. Wheelo in the second DBz movie, Ebyfuria looks astonishingly like Recoome from the Ginyu Force. His special attack is a freeze blast which can immobilize opponents. He is eventually killed by Goku.


This robot from planet M-2 faces off with Goku after he and Trunks escape from the scanner. He has abilities like most of the robots of M-2, which include sinking into walls and floors. When Goku blasts them all with ki attacks, they combine and form the Mega Cannon. After Goku learns the Mega Cannon's techniques, he becomes bored with it and destroys it with a kamehameha.


Another robot from planet M-2, EC4 is sent to take care of Pan after learning her fighting techniques from Giru's data. Unfortunately, even Giru didn't know Pan's true power; upon learning what Giru had done, Pan cries and releases her anger on EC4, destroying him.


A classmate of Gohan's at Orange Star High School, Eliza seems attracted to Gohan, asking him to sit next to her and for a ride home.


Emi is on of the children aboard the stealth ship of orphans that Krillin, gohan and Bulma become trapped in on their way to Namek. When Krillin and Gohan try to convice the orphans that they aren't enemies, she kicks Krillin in the shin!

Emperor Pilaf:

Emperor Pilaf believed he is destined to rule the Earth. He uses his fortune to search for the dragon balls and have his wish granted. Although he comes very close, he never quite succeeds.


A contender in the GT Tenkaichi Budokai, Ebichiyu makes it to the semi-finals.


A fighter from the South galaxy, Frog fights against Mariko in the semi-finals of the afterlife Budokai. In the hope of winning, Frog tries to expand his body to a point that it would push is opponent, Mariko, out of the ring. Mariko, however, throws Frog to one of the planets hovering above, causing Frog to deflate into his orighinal form.


Frieza is one of the most important, if not the most important, villian in DBZ. He destroys practically all of the Saiyan race, their home planet, and many others. He goes to Planet Namek in search of the dragon balls after hearing Radditz's message in the beginning of the series. He has multiple forms, used to keep his true power hidden. The first is short and has a tough-guy appearance. The second is much taller and looks kinde of like his father. The third form looks like the queen in the movie Aliens. His fourth and final form is short and much better for fighting. After being defeated by Son Goku, he is rebuilt by his father and travels to earth, only to be killed by Future Trunks. He is killed again in the 12th movie, this time by the Great Saiyaman.

Future Trunks/Mirai no Trunks:

One of the DBZ saga's most important characters, he is the son of Vegeta and Bulma. Trunks comes from the furture, when Androids 17 and 18 kill all of the Z fighters and cause havoc all over the Earth. Trunks is trained by Son Gohan, the only surviving warrior. Upon arriving in our lifetime, he easily kills Frieza and King Cold. He keeps his identity secret from everyone, except for when he tells Goku to preserve his existence. Trunk carries a sword given to him by Tapion.

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