Ifrit's Storysite

The future of man-kind rests here!

Thanks for 2100+ hits!

Welcome to Ifrit's story site! This site is about my story and what may just happen in the future sometime. It will have a hell of a lot of swears violence and stuff so if you're gonna, turn back now. And one more thing, If you think I've copied anybody or anything at all, let me know! Because the only thing I can think of copying was Tifa and Cloud from FF7. And the gunblade idea thing(cause i think they rock) from FF8. I give the producers at SCEA credit for comming up with them. My story wouldn't be the same! And yes, they are (c) by them too. If you are writing a story, then no stealing my ideas. This 20 year-old boy/girl/thing doesn't need it to happen!Well anyway, hope you like it. Enjoy!

My Story
The Characters
About Me
My Journal
Other Stuff
My LiveJournal

Other Sites
Naughty Meets Nautical
Planet Story
Kayu no Media
Tetsuo's Lair

  • 4/13/06:Very short update. I changed the layout a little so all the links are on the left, the poll in the "Other Stuff" page, and I changed the hit pic and the about me page. And I've been updating the journal. Go me. Later.---Ifrit

  • 4/7/06: Although it was really yesterday that I did all this, I still did it. I fixed a bunch of the navagator tables for the site, so that it looks a little better, and I changed the poll, incase you haven't noticed it yet. I kinda wanna put the site into frames because I can't believe how forkin easy it is to do. I don't know if I will, because I don't know what I'd really do with it. It's purely an idea and I would really love some feed back from you guys, so let me know about it! I also changed the email at the bottom, but I frget how to make it clickable, so if you feel like an email, that's my address, just copy paste it if its really necassary. It's pretty simple if you've been reading the story at all. And speaking of that, I made a link to last piece of the story. I got a very small amount down so far, and I won't be able to do anymore until I get my binder with the written version back. I'm sorry for the actual delay this time. And I'm sorry for the delay on a count of lazy-ness in the past. I'll keep ya updated on this stuff from time to time. Later!---Ifrit

  • 3/22/06: Wow... It's actually been over a year since I've updated this forkin' site. The only thing I've really done to keep this site alive has been the journal entries and I've cut those off a while back. Thank you for reading about my stupid insignificant(sp?) life! I would like to say right here and now that my family will be moving in the near future(not sure exactly when but it will be happening around June some time) and my stupid ass parents have been packing pretty much everything so I have no idea where that story of mine is... It sucks. I really should keep a better eye the important stuff like that so shit like this doesn't happen. My room is so bare that it drives me insane. I do have a little bit of the last part of Second Earth saved in here but I haven't fixed the links so you can view it. Also in the future I have to change the hit counter pic to something cool and smaller so that the page will load faster. I haven't scanned anything from Peel Out yet either. I have gone back to that though... Even though it has been a while. I've come up with some car ideas and put some of the characters in their places and got team names down and stuff. I just need to figure out who is going to be driving what car and what each car is going to look like, all the while writing down more of the plot so that the comic version doesn't die on me. I am going to do this dammit! Along with all this I want to draw my characters again because I NEED to update my drawings' page and show how I've gotten a little better. What I have updated the side links over here (-->) so you should go to the planet story one and sign up. It's pretty cool. It's another one of Kayu's crazy ideas, so check that out, and the other link above that one is Bri's site with all her novel type stuff and interesting things she do. So check out stuff while you wait and do my pole! It's actually right! Weee! Have fun! Later!---Ifrit

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    This site dates back to April of '02!