In Bloom

Many people try to deny what abortion really is by using terms such as "pacification”, "termination of pregnancy”, "heading off delivery”, and "interruption of pregnancy" to serve as a blindfold from the truth. They want the world to have a very brief understanding of what really happens, so they candy up the names and literarily work their evil in secrecy. Abortion really is the painful killing of an innocent human being, which involves the smothering, burning, dismembering, and crushing of a preborn child. And Proverbs 6:16 -19 clearly states

There are 6 things which the lord hates, Yes 7 which are an abomination to Him: Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, And hands that shed innocent blood A heart that devises wicked plans, feet that run to evil, A false witness who utters lies, And one who spreads strife among brothers

So obviously you can see that Abortion isn't a new practice. Actually it can be traced way back into the Near, Middle, and Far East. They had many different ways of barbarically stealing the life of a Pre-born or Born child. It can also be known as Infanticide. Moving on, It was a very dangerous thing to be conceived in classical Rome of Greece, just as it is today under the influence of the modern pagan. Abortion was rampant and Abandonment was not only commonplace, but also it was upheld and praised. Life was cheap, especially those of children. Girls had less worth than animals. It was normal for infirm or unwanted babies and children to be taken out into the forest or mountainside to be consumed by wild Animals, or to starve, or be picked up by rather strange people who crept around at night, and would then use them for whatever perverted purposes they had in mind. Parents abandoned all deformed and most female babies because women were considered inferior! Female babies were put out as a food for wild dogs and wolves or disposes at a "baby tower" where they would eventually die of hunger and exposure, then to be discovered by birds of prey. Sometimes they would bury them alive under the very dirt floor they were born, or throw them in a near-by river. Worse yet, children that outlived infancy (about two thirds of all born) were the property of their father, he could kill them at whim. Only half the children born lived beyond the age of eight. (Because of widespread of infanticide, and with famine and illness) In that time killing roman was murder (punishable of death), but it was commonly held in Rome that killing one's own children was an act of beauty.

In the book Third Time Around, George Grand presents how valueless human life was in Ancient Rome.

Infants were received into the world only as the family willed. Roman did not have a child; he took a child. Immediately after birthing, if the family decided not to raise the child - literally, lifting him above the earth- He was simply abandoned. There were special high places or walls where the newborn was taken and exposed to die.

Then the birth of Jesus occurred. His words in Matthew 19:14a "Let the little children come to me, and do not forbid them” gave a new importance to children, which bestowed dignified treatment upon them. He brought back the lost value to human life. Abortion disappeared in the early church. Legal reforms were set that caused Infant exposure and Abandonment to be abolished. Also they raised women from a status of degradation to that of legal Protections. Hospitals and orphanages were created to take care of unwanted children.

The Justin Code declared infanticide and abortion to be illegal.

Those who expose children, possibly hoping for them to die, and those who use potions of the abortionists, are subject to full penalty of the law

Now that was only how it originated. With technology they need not expose babies. What is practiced today seems more brutal and cold hearted to me.

Over a period of two days the cervix id dilated. Then an ultrasound device and grasping forceps, that resemble pliers with teeth, are inserted into the womb and grab the baby by its tiny little feet. Then the doctor pulls the infant out until only the head remains in the cervix. The nape of the neck is then grasped by the abortionist, and cut open with a blunt pair of scissors. A tool called a cannula is inserted into the cut and sucks out the brain material. If the kidneys or organs are desired, they are simply removed while the baby is still partially in the vagina. Because the developing infant already has calcified bones, the parts must be twisted and torn away. Then if the skull is too large, the head is crushed and removed. After that the body parts are put in a plastic bag and the severed body is thrown in a trash can. This is all preformed without any anesthetics (although through the mothers medication some pain might be reduced)

Other Methods Include:

D&C: Basically a small hoe chops the baby's body into pieces. Then the placenta is scraped off the uterus wall. Before they dispose of everything they "reassemble" the body to make sure that nothings missing.

Saline Solution: A salt solution is injected into the amniotic fluid, burning off the skin of the child while it trashes for its life in the uterus for several hours until it is reduced to a shriveled corpse.

Suction: two - thirds of all abortions preformed in the USA & Canada are done with a suction tube that tears apart the child and deposits it into a jar.

Hysterotomy: Is like a C-section, but its purpose is to kill instead of save the infant.

Prostaglandin: They inject the mother in her urine muscle with a chemical, which makes it violent ally react, thus expelling the baby. The children who avoid decapitation from the massive contractions are then killed after their delivery.

The Pill: Also known as RU 486 are abortion pills that are taken very early in pregnancy, most likely before the ninth week. The doctor would either inject the mother with mifepristone or give you an oral dose. The woman's body begins to behave hormonally as if she was not pregnant and she experiences a heavy period. Two days later She returns to the clinic for a check-up. Next, She would be given an injection of prostaglandin. The prostaglandin causes her cervix to dilate, and her uterus to push the baby from her body; similar to labor. This injection can cause serious cramping, bleeding, and heart problems to the mother. If the injection of prostaglandin is not used, RU 486 may result in a failed abortion. Then a doctor would have to surgically extract the baby.

But abortion is not only painful for children, but it is also painful mentally and physically for the mother. It can cause acute depression to the point that women are suicidal. And the burden is so heavy it haunts most for years! In 1981 the regional director for Suicides Anonymous stated;

Suicide is assuming frightening proportions. In the USA in 1978 there was one attempt every 16 minutes. Today (in1981) there is one attempt every minute. Adult suicide is up to 400%, teenage suicide 500%, in 1978 there were 60,000 successful suicides ... This Cincinnati group has seen 5,620 members in 35 months. Over 4,000 were women of whom 1,800 or more had had abortions. The highest suicide rate is in the 15 to 24 age group. There is a direct linkage between suicide attempts and abortion. It is an act of cruelty to remove parental duties and rights during the abortion crisis.

Dr. Anne Speckhard, Ph.D., in her study on Post Abortion Syndrome, found the following effects on women:

Some one else once said "It is easy to scrape a baby out of the womb, but not so easy to scrape the aborted baby out of the mind."

Barbara Hammond of the Christian Action Council received a letter from a Girl who had an abortion saying...

My Abortion is something I wish I had never done. I can remember looking at the doctor when it was done and saw him putting my baby in a plastic bag and then, throwing it away in a garbage bag. Do you know how that feels? Have you ever lost something you loved dearly? I did, and I'm not proud of it.... If I had a place to go and people who cared about m baby and me, maybe my baby would be born and alive.... Some of us women and girls are not killers. We're human too. And I can tell you having an abortion is killing me slowly.

Judith Fogel, a psychiatrist once has said:

I think every woman.... has a trauma at destroying a pregnancy...she is destroying herself ... a psychological price is paid ... it may be alienation; it may be pushing away from human warmth, perhaps a hardening of the maternal instinct. Something happens on the deepest levels of a woman's consciousness when she destroys a pregnancy. I know that as a psychiatrist.

Dolores O'Riordan (lead singer of the Crandberries) said "It's not good for women to go through the procedure [abortion] and have something living sucked out of their bodies. It belittles women. Even though some women say, 'Oh, I don't mind to have one,' every time a woman has an abortion, it just crushes her self-esteem smaller and smaller and smaller."

Aborted children sometimes affect more that just parents. In the ultrasound movie known as "The Silent Scream" an 11-week-old pre-born girl changed the lives of her mother and the abortionist who took her very life. In the film you saw the child in utero recoil and try to escape the extreme pain of suction. Her heart rate begun at 120 and raised to nearly 200 beats per minute. At 2 points in the movie (as I recall) she made what was called a "Silent Scream" in which, while thrashing about from the pain, she tilted back her tiny head and her mouth opened up wide to form what looked like a scream of pure agony. Since it was only an ultrasound, you couldn’t hear.

In Luke 23:29 Jesus says unto the women crying for him, not to....

I believe that day has come. Culture is de-volving; we are becoming our savage Roman Ancestors. We are becoming murderers! It is slowly being accepted for women to have abortions, even in churches. Women are abandoning their children in dumpsters, drowning, and even shaking their children until death. I just read a story about a girl who threw her stillborn baby to her intentionally starved dog in the middle of the night. And it seems America embraces it! President Clinton signed into law the National Institute of Health Revitalization Act. In which it is now not only legal to abort, but also to carve up the murdered infants and use them as fetal tissue for Aids research. And because it is ALL government funded... we are paying for it!!!

The Rape Theory: So what if you get raped? What happens then? Well it is VERY important to note that the occurrence of pregnancy because of rape is EXTREMELY small (only 0.6%). That has to do with weather or not the woman is ovulating, and in most rape or incest cases the woman is so disturbed, or stressed, that is complicates conceiving. And if we had legislation restricting abortion for all but rape and incest, we would save nearly 1.8 million preborn babies who die annually in America through Abortion. As sad of a situation rape or incest is, does it entitle one the right of murder? Like the saying goes "two wrongs does not make a right"

The Non-Human Theory: Some odd-folk like to believe that there are certain times after conception that make the pre-born "non-human”. There are about a million reasons and arguments on why this isn't true, but I will only give you 4. (1.) Because no one can decide when this is (pro-lifers believe after conception, pro-choicers believe somewhere between 12 and 23 weeks) (2.) Because a preborn child had fingerprints which entitles them with an identity (3.) Because obviously they can and do feel the pain when their lives are taken (I will discuss later) (4.) My fave, and the best reason of all Psalms 139:13 through 16 beautifully states

"For Thou did form my inward parts; Thou did weave me in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks to Thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Thy works, And my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from Thee, When I was made in secret, And skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth. Thine eyes have seen my unformed substance; And in Thy book they were all written. The days were ordained for me, When as yet there was not one of them.

Kathy Ireland (an ex pro choicer) once said,

"I was once pro-choice and the thing that changed my mind was, I read my husband's biology books, medical books, and what I learned . . . At the moment of conception, a life starts. And this life has its own unique set of DNA, which contains a blueprint for the whole genetic makeup. The sex is determined. We know there's a life because it's growing and changing."

The "It's My Body, so it' s My Choice Theory: Possibly one of the most ridiculous I have ever heard of because you are dealing with a whole separate body. And when you take a life, you will also deal with God in the end, and your self. Acts 4:19 tells us

Weather it is right in the sight of God to give heed to you rather than to God, you be the judge.

Translated by Mel Gibbson "God is the only one who knows how many children we should have, and we should be ready to accept them. One can't decide for oneself who comes into this world and who doesn't. That decision doesn't belong to us."

The "It doesn’t feel pain" Theory: This one I kind of find sick because in this argument... no matter what the circumstances are, the pro-choicers only call the child "the fetus" as if ... if they were to keep convincing themselves it wasn’t a human being.... it won’t bother them so much. In May 5th of 1998 a bill was introduced to anesthetize the fetus during [even] any late-term pregnancy termination. (Again with the sugared up terms) The cut off age would be about the third trimester. The bill was rejected by the committee because they believed that the baby felt no pain because it's brain wouldn’t be fully "developed" until 26 weeks into pregnancy (they don't normally abort that late)

An argument point of view can be backed up by Dr.Ranalli (a neurologist) who once presented 3 sings a baby can feel pain (1.) A fetus will "withdraw from a painful situation" [like in the Silent Scream] (2+3) two types of stress hormones, which are detected in adults who are feeling pain, are also found in a fetus [baby] from when a blood sample is withdrawn.

The "Equal Rights Between the Sexes" Theory: This one is just stupid! Some people believe that women "forced" to have babies can not compete employment with men and so cannot truly equal unless they have an escape from unwanted pregnancy. It all comes down to sexism, and in most cases women can be the most sexist creatures to walk the planet, with their only defense of "equal rights" which are already there. Personally I think it is nice to be able to care about my personal hygiene, cry in front of people, and shave my legs. I think that the biggest gift in the world is PMS because you can blame everything on it. I think women should stop battling over who opens the pickle jar and start taking advantage of all our luxuries. Just like Shirley Temple says, "My Goose can do a wonderful trick, my goose can lay an egg!" when the woman asks her "what’s so wonderful about that she replies, "Well, can you lay an egg?" Its simple and plain, us ladies have it pretty darn good and we should be happy we live in America and can be "At Home Mom's" instead of some poor girl in Afghanistan who cannot have a male doctor, but females cant be doctors. Who cant go out in public, laugh, or ever be accompanied by anyone of the male genus other that her husband. Other than battling over weather or not it is suitable for a woman no be, say a construction worker, or an auto mechanic.

The Causality Theory: Many doctors suggest abortion when a woman’s life may be at risk. I emphasize May because they say it as insurance for themselves so they won’t be charged for mal-practice. The truth is.... normally when they say it; it doesn’t even serve as a threat. I may get in a car accident leaving here or a rabid moose may bite me during hiking in the desert. There is no guarantee.... and even if there was, you shouldnt murder to save you. The game isn't called "A life for a Life" just "Life" and in life, you die.... not because it’s the end of everything, but because God is ready and waiting for you to give you something far better.

In the end it all comes down to love, Gods Love. He loves children... and He loves you. He wants you to be happy, and he wants you to make others happy. He doesn’t want people to kill their children... he wants them to love them. And in return the Children will love you and bring you joy. Today I came here and talked to you because I love Children and hold them precious (as does God) Proverbs 31:8 tells us to "Speak up for those who can not speak for themselves, For the rights of all who are destute."

400 babies slaughtered per minute = 24,000 babies every hour = 576,000 babies every day = 4,032,000 babies every week = Exactly 210,240,000 babies die every year

. If no one stands up for his or her rights, this rate will increase. We need to save our futures generation, and we need to do it now!
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