
silence , sweet silence

i love you because you are so eyeless

and you can not taste my madness

or even grasp my ugliness

only pretty on the inside

why are you the only one who dared to find

the only one who didnt run and hide

even godzilla wanted something beautiful

you are so beautiful

verse chorus verse all over aain

here in my coffin , in myself

i think of you between the hymen and tissue

and cry

nothing else but vegetable shortening

and stale water

beyond the looking glass is where i think

where i lie and fester and stink

i see myself as a child

i see myself alone

i sense sonething is broken

i am broken

and all the injections cannot save you now

in your human skin , i think you well had your chance

break it all down for me

at three in the morning

i wonder if i could never call again

will i dissapear with out memory

and rip and tear at my china doll parts every passing morning

for the lonlyness that surrounds me

you are the only one

my last chance

and i dont regret a thing i've said

cuz i my infatuation is more trutheful then I've ever been

-Me (Jesse)


Paper Cut