The Blessings

I wanna give a sHout out to all my friends out there ... especially the ones who will visit this site ... thank you

April , you are a great friend and just totally awesome (Scott you are cool too) talking to you guys always brightens my day * Liz , you have been my bud for a long time and you still as funny as ever . * Ernie , thankX for the shout out before ... rubber duckie rules. Remember you are the better conversational item I have had in years .... talking with you I never get bored .... and thankyou for helping me make decisions , pretty soon I'll be asking what color eyeliner to wear ... ur soo cool!*Brandan cuz you are just awesome and think like me ... i couldnt leave you out! * Rob you are new .... but your cool ... i cant think of much more to say .... but i very well couldn't force you to sign the guestbook if I never shouted you out ... even if you dont get this far .... oh well ... whatever , NEVERMIND * * Sammie , You are always on the same page with me on likes and dislikes , and for that you truely have been an angel. * Sarah , I have known you too long to hate you , even though you drive me crazy sometimes .... you are like my little sister * Janet , my NY seester ... you never write me back , you never answere my questions , i personally think you are dead , but you are still da chick! See you in October! (i didnt see you in October ... sorry for your mommy :( )* Andrew cus you are cool beans and i couldnt have asked you to sign the guest book without shouting you out! * AleX and Jimmy you are the perfect little couple . Keep it Real! * Tom n Derek ... i think you are the normalist people I know with the most impeckable taste in music and activities. Don't ever change... or wear Aspen cologne ... it's the biggest mistake guys make in the prime of their youth! * Matt , without my shoes on you are taller then me ... and if you press the button when I am on the phone with you I will hang up again* Little Kyle .... you are getting so big!* Big Kyle ... I think you are shrinking (notice how i put you RIGHT next to Rose ;) ) . * Rose ... my long lost friend .... you obviousally lost your fingers because i havent gotten a call or e-mail from you for god knows how long.* Wanda ... I dont even know what happened to you .* * Marc cuz you are a cool dude . CandyBecause you are so darn nice and smiley and i would hate to kill that *Kristina cuz I know you will be seeing this soon .*Kory .... just cuz I realized I forgot you and I would hate 2 do that ... thankX for hanging with me , even when you ignore me , lol :)****

Neal .... you are the coolest old guy I know.* Jan , I wouldnt dare call you old ... so I will just call you cool.* Chrissy and Bryan I wish you the best of luck with your lives , jobs , and familys.* Natalie and Greg .... I need to see your Baby* Tina .... you are cool too sister* Pastor Craig n Miss Eby .... you try so hard and do such a good job with us kids .* Thank You All! ****

I give my props to Lisa and David too because , even though their group is smaller .... they have the biggest hearts and they are doing all they can for us Calvery Kids to have some fun.* Hi Heather , Janae , Julie , Valerie , Vanessa , ..... god forbid if I am missing one of you girls ... and if I am just tell me.* best wishes for Becky and Mike!!!****

Aunt Rose , I miss you.* Mom , Tony ,Abby ,and AJ I love you .* Dad i love you 2 . * Uncle Johnny write me back sometime?* Dominique , thankX for doin the whole yahoo thing . Your visit was great . I cant wait to see you in October when we can do it all again . and a big old "Hiiii Jesssssssss" for old times sakes . pfffffftttt. lolol (and I still think life would be wonderful if I could sit in front of the TV with a bowl and a ball and watch Barney all day and scream and leak fesies all over myself* Garrison .... you are one cool little dude.* Hi Aunt Laura!* Mom-mom & Pop-pop Leek :)* Mi-mi* Mom-mom and Pop-pop Davolos Claudia (just in case i show this to you and force you to sign my guestbook) :)* Aunt Donna , Ted and Bryan and Sue if you see this* thank you all***
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