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Sights and Scopes:


Sights and Scopes can sometimes be difficult to set up because of the structure of alot of guns. I'm making this page for the reason that alot of people don't know how to place scopes and sights on weapons. Sometimes you even have to cut groves out in the gun in order to make a sight.


Scopes are for use on medium- to large CPS guns with high velocity and range. I only recommend scopes for large CPS sniper rifles, since they would be usless on other guns.

Heres a list of good guns to put scopes on. To the right of the number of the gun, is the magnification numbers to best use with a particular gun

!200(High power)= 4x15

12000( a modified 1200 originally desighned by GNG) = 8X32

2500= 8X32

2000= 10 X 32 w/ Zoom

Mounting a scope:

Soemthimes you can use Duct tape or maybe string to mount one on the gun of your choice.

The best way however is to open up the gun, inspect where the most safe place is to drill holes in the body of the gun.*DO NOT USE THE STRAP HOLES OF CPS GUNS THE SCOPE WON'T STAY STEADY AND WILL FREQUENTLY MOVE OUT OF PLACE* Take the small plastic tie downs and rum them through the holes in the body of the gun and run it around the scope itself.*you may wnat to take the rifle mounts off so it can sit properly* then check to see if you can see through the scope properly. if you can't then adjust the focusing on it. If you still can't see, then reposition the scope to where you can see through it.( before repostioning it, be shure that your eye is not to close to the scope lens, or else you won't see anything.



Sighting the scope in:


Determin the maximum level shooting range of your gun, WITHOUT tilting to a 45% angle. Stand a Paper plate up, and move back the maximum range of you gun. Fire two shots at the plate when looking through the scope. If you missed the plate the adjust the scope's crosshairs till they are on target with the stream. Reapeat the process. If you are useing a Zooming scope on the gun, the have it on the maximum magnification.


Free hand sights:


These are a little harder to set up than scopes, even though there is no need to sight them in.

If you have a handled gun, drill out a deep groove in the handle top. Then crazy glue a small bar verically at the front of the gun. then look through the groove and position the bar in the middle with your eye, then FIRE!

If you don't have a handled gun, then you will need to find something with a strait groove in the middle of it. Glu it to the water tank, and then glue a small bar vertically at the front of the gun. Line up in your eye and then FIRE!


laser Sights:

To mount a laser sight. Choose where you want to place it, either on the side, top, or bottom. Say you where going to mount a Laser sight on the Max-d 6000. You would mount it on the bottom side so it would be alighned with the Line of fire(LOF).

For A Xp-310 it would be mounted on the topside To meet the L.O.F.