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Advanced Strategics:


This Page will go into the more "Advanced" plans and procedures that are used in High Caliber Water Wars where there are more, better trained fighters.



3 Person Tri-Formation

Blue Line-Direction(s) Of look Red Blip-Person

4 Person Assualt Formation

6 Person Assault Formation

4 Person Stealth Formation



Setting the Ambush :


Find the Most camoflouged area you can. Dig A few small holes big enough for two or three people each. Go over basic hand Signals and such.Then start setting the good stuff

Mines Preperation:

A Water-Mine can be made two ways. The simple way is to Fill a ballon up, cover it up with dirt and loose leafs. When a person steps on it, it explodes and gets their foot wet.

There is however, a more advanced mine, that works 80% better. Take a old Coke botel. Uase a needle to put about 30 holes in it fill it up and tighten the cap. Cover it with dirt no leafs, and be sure that the dirt is not covering the holes. Now whn a enemy steps on it, it will shoot out small streams of water with a range of up to 7 feet soaking anything. This mine is able to reach higher on the body and do more damage than a ballon-mine.

Mines Placement:

Here is a few ways on how to place mines. If you choose not to place them like the diagrams below then follow this. Place them in ways that you have a small path to walk on in order to get to the Firing position without hitting a mine. Keep the path on a sheet of paper with you.

Mine Placement Example:

Mine- Red Blip Walking Path- Blue line


Trip Wire Mines:


A trip wire mine is easy to make and use. Take two needles, a black string and two ballons. Tie theTo the string to the needles one on each side of the string. Then put the needles in the (unfilled) baloons. Hold the needls down, and fill each baloon 1/4 way tape down the needles good after cleaning and drying the ballon so the tape will stick. Then Move the ballons apart and stak leafs over the string. When a enemy walks into the ballon the two needles pop-out and the ballon burst, relize that this works both ways, so remember where you placed it.


Taking Out A Base:


In order to take a well built, highly defendable, heavily patroled base out of commision and even posibly win the war, you'll need a well trained team and a good artillery crew. Remember that you will need a good plan. you want your infantry and shock units to get up close with the enemy troops, while the artillery hurls ballons, riot blast waves, long range 2000 streams. Snipers (about 4 of them) move in to firing range and slowly take out targets. After the mayem and wetness you should have taken out the base. *This works best with One-Hit Kills games*