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Basic Strategics:

Alot of people think I'm Crazy for running a fully operation Watergunning team Called S.O.R.T . Alot More however think that there is no place for strategy in a water-war or fight. As the Tactical Commander of S.O.R.T I will tell you something alot different than those "other People", that think that large scale water wars with Strategy are useless. Strategy Is crucial to winning a war sometimes. If you don't have a good plan and you're tottally outnumbered, what are ya going to do?

Well You didn't come to this page for a lesson, so I guess I'lle have to tell you some Good manuvers I like to use.

The "Finding the Door" Manuver

The finding the Door Manuver is pretty Simple. Say you are Out in a dense Forested area, when you suddenly come under heavy fire.The finding the door manuver is the best to use at this point. Tel your team to split into two groups Group A and B Each group should be of equal numbers, you cna also add Group C and D If needed.Every one should Get down in a kneel or a Lying position. Group A should fire 5 quik bursts In 6 seconds and then move aproxximatly 10 feet backwards and get into formation. Then Group B should Move 20 feet back to be 10 feet from Group A. Group A fires 5 Shots in 6 seconds and then moves back 30 feet from Group B, Then Group B fires 5 In 6 seconds and moves back 40 feet to be 10 feet in back of Group A. keep reapeating the procces Until clearly our of enemy sight.


The "Flank the Panzer manuver"

lets say You're In behind enemy lines stuck in a trench. But only because theres a Large CPS Nest, that is inside a Kind of trench with a roof and small windows cut out.So the enemy can shoot you from cover.But the nest has no back windows, and to make things worse it's a One-Hit Kill game. So You're just stuck there. Trying to think of a plan that will get you out of this situation and FAST. The Flank the Panzer calls for 4 men to lay down cover fire from the trench that You're in, while 4 More men armed with assorted Small- Arms and water Ballons, get around in back of the darn thing. Once the men are there have them throw 2 ballons a peice into the nest soaking everything and eliminateing everything.


More To come.....