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Finding a Good Gun:


Most people don't fight well with a gun they don't like or can't use very well. Some people like Medium Cannons and Heavy Caliber Water-cannons, like the 1700, 2000,2500,2700etc. While others fight Good with medium to Small Assault Water rifles such as the 150, Md600, 5000, 310 etc. Some are better off with no gun at all and just use waterballons .

Aside from these facts, you need to find a gun that you like better than all the Others or maybe you're the type to use no gun. Here is something that should help you narrow down what you need or want.

  1. Do I like or dislike pumping?
  2. Do I like to carry heavy weights?
  3. Do I Need much Firepower?
  4. How much water do i need?
  5. Am I "trigger happy"
  6. What Terrain Do i fight in the most?
  7. DO I like to have to mod a gun alot or not?
  8. Do i need long-range shooting capabilities
  9. Do I like any particular Gun bettter than the other
  10. What Do I want the Most?

Using this list you should be able to decide on a particular water-gun that will meet your needs and one you'lle love