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Sniper School:


The Types Of Sniping:


Base Sniping:

Base Sniping is a pretty easy job, snipeing form a small trench at base, or from a watch or gaurd tower. You should set up the area so it is most comfortable to the sniper, having a roof or some kind of water-froof cover can help the sniper greatly. A long range gun should be used, Such as a 2000, 1200, 1000, 2500,or 1700. A Xp-310 CAN be used but it has less range, and not quite as much power.

General Sniping:

The art of sniping is not an easy one. Sneaking into enemy territory, taking out a target, and then returning safely is extremely difficult.


The camoflauge factor in water-gun sniping is crucial. Wearing the proper clothing is dear. If you where in a forest area, you would use Woodland BDU's or ghillie suits, if you where in a urban area you'd where euroflauge, or, urban camo.


Most people will just slap on face paint anywhere on the face, and neck. The Real trick to facepaint is to place light colors around the cheeks, mouth and neck. Then add darker colors around the eyes. Using this method totally breaks up the texture of the human face.

Accuracy, and Shooting:

Long range water-guns should be used. Scoped guns add a great advantage to accuracy, and precision.However they are not easily mounted. See Sights&Scopes for more detail. Timing a shot is crucial to one-shot accuracy. Aiming in advance is sometimes needed in order to hit a moving target. The general 1200 stream going 5 MPH takes 2-3 seconds to reach the point of impact. So you would aim 2-3 seconds along the path of a target. Sniping a target that is still is not very hard, just aim and shoot, no problems there.



Stealth is not an easy task to pick up. But it is a task that is greatly needed, with sniping. Stealthy entrances into the Strike zone can make or break the sniping mission.

I can not tell you what kind of stealthing is good for you. But I can tell you some things that may help.


  • Not steping on twigs, leafs, gravel,etc. Will greatly improve your chances of not being compromised.
  • Be very quiet, don't move much once your in a good very little if posible. I you have a spotter, use hand signals to commmunicate.
  • Try to stay low to the ground, or high in a tree, or hill. This greatly reduces the chance of being picked up by another person's natural L.O.S.( line of Sight)
  • When exiting the area, unless necessary, don't run, or move briskly. Stay as stealthy as you where on the aproach. Be very quiet, and don't get exited. Getting exited makes most people breath hard, such noise can be heard from up to 20 ft. away, this is in perfect firing range of most water guns, thus the enemy may hear you as well.


The Weapons:

For a water-gun sniper rifle, you are going to want range, power, and a good size nozzle so that your gun does some damage to the enemy you shot. here is a list of feisible options, and their availablity.

Weapon: Availablity:

CPS-1200 Easy to find

CPS-1700 Rare

CPS-2000 Extremely rare

CPS-2500 Extremely rare

CPS- 1000 Very rare

Xp-310/MAX-D6000- Easy to find

CPS-1700 Ghillie Suit Sniper Rifle- Gun platform rare, Mods-Medium




























Disclaimer: None of the pictures on this page are intended to lead children or individuals to pick up a firearm and shoot at everyone. The site I run is military based, but the idea is to have fun, while having responsible militaristic water wars. All pictures where taken by actuall working millitary teams. There originall source, is unknown to SSX