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Well now what do we have here, a fed with a bunch of talent less losers. I never thought it could be possible, to see this many losers in one small place like this. I am almost scared to look, Its almost like they took Jobbers from each fed, and brought them here to WFW.  

Well now you’re going to ask, well then what is Dean doing here? Well he was asked to come down, Former SFT Owner Big T and Nathan Gust had asked Dean to come down, and help this dumb of which is called a fed out. Not even Dean can bring this fed out of the whole it is in, Strong should just pack up and sell the place as its worth, which is not a lot I’m afraid. But who knows. 

So anyway, Dean is here in this hellhole for one reason, To kick the shit out of every one, to relieve the stress that he gets in SFT, even if it means he has to waist his time, but on the bright side, more titles for Dean to gain. And more money of course, who can forget about that. 

Well Dean has a match in WFW this week. On Friday, Should be an easy first win for Dean, sense the jobbers he is fighting are well…. Jobbers. Lets see what will happen 

They wont be able to stand and hold there ground, they will back out in fear, for when greatness reaches the ring, all will be lost. 

:: The Sky is blue, the grass is green, the wind blows soft, but cold, the streets are quiet, nothing really moving, every thing is at peace. Nothing can be seen on the road, but a man, what we can see is that he has on a black trench coat, black jeans, and a black t-shirt. As we get closer, is Former SFT Champion Erik Dean. As we get closer, we will notice his hair is messy, and there is dirt on his face. And grease in his hands. And there is mud all over his shoes and the bottom of his coat. Dean then feels the wind as it blows up against him, he then stops for a second, and takes off his coat and lays his coat on the ground, and takes a sit, and just looks around. All that is around him, is trees and a road. He was traveling to the next city, when is car broke down. A friend told him that he would get to him if he walked half way to the rest stop, then he would take him to the town, Dean is only about 2 more miles away, but Dean could use a break. 

Erik Dean: What a way to show my self, might as well shoot a promo wile I am out here. 

Dean then pulls out a small camera that has a link up to the network satellites that will transmit a promo and air it. Dean then turns it on, and after five seconds the camera turns on and blinks red, which means its filming. 

Erik Dean: Hell WFW, most of you will know me as Former SFT World Heavyweight Champion and Producer of SFT’s Friday Night Inferno, I am Erik Dean. I was asked to come down to WFW to help bring up ratings, I don’t understand why, nothing I can truly do, but they seem to think I can help.  

I seem to have been booked on the Friday Night show, against two superstars that I have never known or herd about, which will bring something nice to the match, sense I don’t know what to expect, and more then likely, they don’t know who I am, and know nothing about me, so they will be the same way, which will bring a good match. That’s what I hope 

Only thing is, even though I don’t know them, It looks like by the way they act, that they are new, and not as skilled as I am, not saying I am better or any thing, but actions speak louder then words I am afraid, and there actions and words, have shown that they still have a lot to learn about how things go, and things are done, and how to become something great. 

But they will learn in time, just as I have, maybe even I will be able to teach them something. But let this be known, I don’t expect to win, I never do, I will always expect a loss. I expect to lose to one of you in this match, but if I happen to win so be it, I wont glot about it, or brag, I will just simple walk out and move on. I expect both of you to do the same. 

Who ever wins or loses. Good luck. 

Dean then shuts down the camera and we fade out:: 

He is to nice you know that…… 

Fade out -