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Looking for a Sponsor


So you want to get sponsored? It's everybody's dream. Free products arriving daily at your front door, cushy hotel rooms, demos and screaming fans, autograph sessions, world tours, full page ads, video parts, your own pro model bike, and cash, cash, lots of cash. Listen up kiddies, it ain't like that. Well maybe for a select few riders, the ones who have worked hard, paid their dues, and most importantly, are valuable to their sponsor. What does a sponsor look for? There are lots of things a sponsor may look for in a rider but basically you have to ask yourself this question, what does a company stand to gain by sponsoring me? Let's face it, a bike company is a business. The point of starting a business is to make money. (Unless you're somebody who started a tee shirt company just so you could give shirts away to your bros.) Most good bike companies are small bike companies. They do not have a big promotions budget, they can't give away all their products. Therefore, they are going to sponsor people who are a good investment. What makes you a good investment? 1) You're a great rider. Being a great rider is generally accepted as the number one reason for getting sponsored. This one is kind of obvious but I think what most people don't realize is that this is not enough. There are other things that are equally important... 2) You're a likable person. This may be just as important as being a great rider. Nobody wants to deal with a jerk. Nobody wants to be like someone who has a bad attitude. A sponsor wants their rider to deal well with people. People have to like you. This is the whole point of sponsorship. The company has you riding their bikes because they believe other people look up to you or want to be like you and therefore will buy their products. I know you won't spend as much time practicing to be a good person as you do riding. Just remember it makes a difference. Don't be an ass. 3) You're a good promoter. Your job is to sell products. Not only by being a good rider and likable person but by making the products and yourself visible. This is accomplished by getting as much coverage as possible. Entering contests and placing well is an important one but it's not the only way. You can get a lot of good video parts, get magazine coverage, do a lot of shows, travel lots of places and just ride hard at a lot of public spots. But being seen is only step one. You have to be seen in a way that also gets visibility for your sponsor. Keep a good clean sticker on your bike with your sponsor's name. Put it somewhere that shows up well in photos. Top riders actually think carefully about these things! That's why they get the big bucks! Wear your sponsor's tee shirt or jersey or hat. This is important! More importantly, don't wear the products of a competitor during contests or video parts or photo shoots! Big no-no. You get the picture. Show a company that you can be loyal, you can promote their name, and you will tell people how much you love their products. There you have it. These are the top three reasons someone gets sponsored and stays sponsored. If you can prove to a company that you've got what it takes, then you may be on your way to a free ride. -this page written by Hal Brindley and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Eastern Bike Co
