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Jer's Miscellaneous Fun Pics

This is where I post any pictures that don't fit into my other more specific photo categories.


Halloween 2002

Dressed to the nines and ready for a night on the town!

"You've been THUNDERSTRUCK!"

Partying it up at AJ's in true redneck style. Do we look stylin' or what?

Hey Uncle Grandpa!


Fun Pics

A picture of our cottage in the summer.

A picture of our cottage in the winter.

Warning: Never base-jump without a parachute!

My original 2 degus, Spaz and Taz, at 14 months old. (See "Jer's Favourites")


Photo Edits

Close-up picture of the fly on the lilac leaf.

Fire fly!

Space fly!

What we do for fun at the cottage on a cold summer's day! (Don't try this at home. It never really happened.)

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