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11th Annual Pan-American Nationals

These are a few pics to give ya a little flavor of the Pan-American Nationals held at Atco Raceway in Acto New Jersey. I went to the event yesterday (07-18-04) and the rain just wouldnt let up. When the Track was Clean there came the rain once again to disrupt. But the gathering was still packed with a lot of people. The majority or i should say 95% of the attendees were from Puerto Rico.

The event concentrates on the best cars from Puerto Rico Versus the Best cars from the US of A. Its a very popular event and i will have updates on September,17th, 2004 when they hold the finals which was moved due to the rain fall.

Drag Cars

Pan American Nationals. The majority of the cars are Toyota Corollas (referred to as Point 8's, or Candungo's depending widely on engine displacemnt), Toyota Startlets and Mazda RX-7's (First , Second and Third Generations).

These are some of the many cars out there

We will have updates coming in September, and of course lots more pictures of imports.

Rotary Rocket, NYC

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