As you know, illegal ORV usage has boomed within the last few years, as with the increasing popularity among mostly our youth. The problem is that illegal ORV users trespass, damage, and even destroy public and private lands alike. For instance, a growing concern are the leisure pedestrian trails, by the Shelton Intermediate School, that are being invaded by illegal ORV users of all ages. Now, no matter what, this is an illegal act and is prohibited by law and enforced by consequences, but in reality, these people are probably not going to stop without good reasoning from which they, themselves benefit from. I suggest a leisure track built for ORVs should be constructed, as it would direct a high percentage or even most ORV attention to a legal manner where members can ride with proper supervision and under both enforced and fair ruling. This may be just a simple suggestion, but I see it as a very practical and very possible solution for the growing concern of ORVs and ATVs alike. All in favor of a legal solution towards this manner please sign in at the guest book appropriately.
An ORV (Off-Road Vehicle) Track Would Be A Great Investment Because-
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