Close Quarters Combat

Ever wanted to just walk up to some random skinhead, then walk away leaving him paralyzed, disabled, handicapped, and crying for his mommy? Char did. ...or something like that...ANYWAY CQC is the art of Close Quarters Combat, through the use of weapons ranging from pistols, batons, and chains, to knives, fists, and feet. CQC also gives you the ability to use any random, house-hold common items, such as glasses, combs, pens, even plastic credit cards as lethal weapons. Along with it comes the techniques for hand-to-hand combat, and/or weapon-to-weapon combat.

Definintion: Close Quarters Combat is the physical and mental engagement of another person in extremely close range by use of conventional arms and physical accompaniments.
CQC is ruthless, brutal, violent, bloody, degrading, and ELITE! It is also IN-YOUR-FACE. It is close up, and nasty. TO emphasize how IN-YOUR-FACE this skill is, take a look at this next picture...

Was that IN-YOUR-FACE enough to get my point across? Good. Anyway, I assume you get the idea now, however you should know we NEVER assume, so if u still dont get it, why dont you ask Char to...heheh....give you a demonstration?