Previous SEALS Missions

You have just entered the SEALS Mission page. Below are links to actual missions that took place in this RPG. It should give you an idea of who we are and what we do...maybe even why we do it. Be warned, these missions took place in either AIM or AOL chat rooms, so some of the missions may not be complete. Not EVERY mission is posted here, some we dont want you to see, others we dont have. If for any reason you have trouble seeing the text or screen names, just right click, then click "select all", and read the highlighted version-it should help greatly. Be warned, none of our missions are short, they usually take a couple hours or more, so plan on spending some time reading these. Thanks for stopping by, hope you enjoy the action.


Desert Siege
Zeon's Mistake
Covert Assassination Op
Metaphoric Skies
Char's Vengeance
Undying Honor
SEALS Reborn
Dangerous Skies
Dangerous Skies (Part 2)