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Want to send in your Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings Review?
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    1. Introduction
    2. Graphics
    3. Sound/Music
    4. Replay Value
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Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings - Review

This is one of the few games where you can learn and have fun at the same time. It has great replay value, great multi-player, and a great single-play. But, let’s not forget how you learn about the history of Joan of Arc, Frederick Barbados, William Wallace, Genghis Khan, and more. If you’re a history teacher teaching about the Renaissance, or someone looking for a fun game either single-player or on the Internet, this game is for you.

Graphics: This is one of those games that isn’t focused on graphics but on game-play. But since it’s one of those things I have to give a grade for, I guess I have to review it. I guess sometimes a few of the animations are a little cheesy and repetitive. Like when a villager cuts wood, all he does is swing that axe up and down. But it doesn’t really ruin the game-play or anything. And also, a few things aren’t as detailed as you would like them to be like the shorelines and stuff, but, again, it doesn’t really ruin the game-play. There are a few glitches, though. If you visit my screen shots section here you will see one of a villager cutting a mountain (weird…). But, yet again, it doesn’t really ruin game-play. There are also cool little codes where you can get a man who explodes and an uber-car that shoots little bullets at your enemies (which is really fun). But I guess that’s all I can say about graphics. Graphics - 7/10

Sound/Music: The sound in the game, unlike the graphics, plays a more important role. Whenever an enemy is attacking one of your buildings, a trumpet sounds and that place starts blinking on the mini-map. And whenever an enemy is attacking one of your troops or villagers, a different trumpet will sound and the place where the troop or villager is will start flashing, so you will always know what’s being attacked and where. You can also hear the swords clashing, buildings blowing up, and people dying if you’re in a battle. But it would be nice to see a little more variation in the different sounds. The music plays a smaller role. It keeps the game from getting boring, but is not overwhelming. I think the music chosen is just right. Sound/Music - 8/10

Replay Value: AOE 2 definitely has a lot of replay value. There are so many different civilizations to choose from, so many different campaigns, and so many different combinations of settings that you wouldn’t have played everything in the game for at least a year. The online multiplayer also adds to the value. The ability to be your favorite civilization and battle one of your friends is great. Or you and your friends can be on a team and beat up on someone else. Either way is just as fun as the other. Replay Value - 9/10

Overall: AOK is a great game where, for once, the game was focused on the fun and not the graphics. And they did a really good job in pulling that off. Although, by now, the game is pretty old, I still think it's worth at least $20. Overall - 8/10
