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    1. Introduction
    2. Graphics
    3. Sound/Music
    4. Replay Value
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Need for Speed: High Stakes - Review

This is the best racing game ever made. Need for Speed: High Stakes has everything you could ever want in a racing game: Beautifully designed cars like the McLaren F1 and Ferrari F50 Maranello, a Career Mode, and even Hot Pursuit. If you are searching for one of the best and most fun computer games of all time, this is the game for you.

Graphics: OMG, if you can't tell the difference between these cars and cars from other computer games, you should be ashamed. This game has the best graphics of any racing game of its time (of course now you have Porsche Unleashed and Project Gotham Racing with almost 100% all natural graphics). Smooth car shading, weather effects, fog effects, you can see the damage to your car, your car's performance becomes worse as damage increase, and you can even see the driver in the front seat! I would name them all, but I don't want this page to take forever to load. Just check out the screen shots section here if you don't believe me. But there are always drawbacks. Sometimes under heavy fire and smoke the game slows down, even on a 500 MHZ processor (about twice as much as what is needed) but not so much to ruin the game-play. But overall I think the designers did a really good job when creating this game. Graphics - 8/10

Sound/Music: You can't have good graphics without having good sounds. And you can't have good sound without having good graphics. Need for Speed: High Stakes has both of these, and pulls it off nicely. I'm not going to take the time to count, but I guess that there are about 20-30 songs including the Racing Music and Menu Music. But the best thing I like about Need for Speed: High Stakes is the ability to listen to your own CD throughout the game! That's right, just select Game Music from the Audio menu in the Options, put in your CD and you're ready to listen to your favorite artist while racing! If only all games could come with a feature like that. Sound/Music - 9/10

Replay Value: At the beginning of the game you have so many things to do. You have to beat the career mode, get the bonus cars, etc. Just get and beat everything, to sum it up. This will keep you playing for months, but after a while the Single Races become really boring. Then you find that you have all the tracks. What to do now? Get all the cars. What happens when you get all the cars? Finish career mode. What happens when you finish career mode? You probably won’t since it gets extremely hard in the middle. Now, I have Need for Speed II and I have not gotten tired of that. There are so many jumps, you can crash into cars and they’ll go flying, and all sorts of fun stuff. What would make High Stakes better if they had a mode where you can do all that. In NFS 2 it’s called “Wild” mode. Now, if you’re in a predicament, where you’re suddenly getting bored of NFS4, then I suggest stop playing NFS: HS, play another game for a while, and start playing again. It works for me :). But if you have made an oath to yourself saying that once you stop playing a game you will never play it again, just wait till your next birthday to throw it in the garbage. Replay Value - 6/10

Overall:This is one of the best racing games, but like all games it has its flaws. Replay value being the biggest one. But all-in-all you should go out and get this game, but if I were you, I wouldn't spend over $25 on this game (mine cost $20).Overall - 7.5/10