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Rules to follow to send in a Perfect Dark Review
  • In the subject line type -PD Review-
  • Try to make your review in this format:
    1. Introduction
    2. Graphics
    3. Sound/Music
    4. Replay Value
  • (optional)Put your name in so we know who you are. Note: If no name is sent your e-mail will be put with the review. If you don't want anyone to know your e-mail or name, request to remain anonymous.
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Perfect Dark - Review

This is the best first-person shooter game ever made, for any system. Not only is it the best first-person shooter game ever made, it’s the best action game ever made. Not only is it the best action game ever made, it’s the best game ever made. I only wish there could’ve been a sequel.

Graphics: If you’ve played any N64 game at all, you’ll notice that most of the graphics are squared (except for a few like SSB which has some square figures, but overall is good). The guys who made Perfect Dark must’ve been taking their time on this one. There are unbelievable graphics for an N64 game. It would probably even make an average GameCube game if it came out after the GCN came out. I can’t even explain how a little cartridge could have such unbelievable graphics. Especially on an N64! It’s just mind-boggling. For example, the guns look almost exactly like their real-life counterparts (well the ones that were based of real guns). The levels are huge, especially the single-player mission levels. The only thing that looks squared is the other people when you look at them in multi-player. Graphics – 9/10.

Sound/Music: The Sound in Perfect Dark is so realistic. Every different type of weapon has a different noise. Automatic weapons, pistols, explosives, mines, rocket launchers, and everything else has its own unique noise when you fire it. You can also hear your character say, “Ow!” whe she gets shot or in the single-player mission hear the guards say random things like, “I’m gonna die!” or “She’s good,” and they even have chats with each other when they don’t know you’re there: “No, that’s not how it goes.” “Yes it is! You’re not doing it right!” The music is also great. Upbeat techno music playing while you try to sneak past guards. No, really, the music is good. Really good. In fact, the music in Perfect Dark is the best game music I’ve ever heard. Sound/Music – 10/10

Replay Value: This game will keep you coming for more again and again. You just won’t be able to put it down. 9 mission, and over 25 challenges in the combat simulator will keep you playing for at least 2 years. Not to mention a firing range, a device practicing facility, and more! You can even play with 3 of your friends against 8 other computer players! The game might get a little hard toward the middle and end, but that’s all part of the fun! Replay Value – 9/10

Overall: This is definitely a classic N64 game. It is the funnest game I've ever played. This game should be well worth at least $39.99 but I wouldn't be surprised if I saw it on the shelves at $49.99.Overall: 9.3/10