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Under the Yellow Blanket Under the Yellow Blanket

story goes: we were
in the basement Playing, as we
were apt to do in those days. Down
there, we loosed the
reds, greens and grays of
our collective imagination. On
this day, we tired together
and curled beneath a yellow blanket,
that blanket; I remember still how it felt
exactly. We sighed in slumber, isolated,
cheek to cheek. It was not long
before the household began to wonder
and, soon people were
loudly saying our names. Their shouting
would only have been a slight perturbation
to the soft air we breathed. They searched
the house, the washer, dryer,
the basement entire, and yet they overlooked us,
camouflaged as we were. They searched
the yard, the neighborhood. We would
not be found until we decided it was time to wake,
time to go back up to the world for there was much Work
and Play to be done. Where
had we been? they asked. We had
been together dreaming easily,
under the yellow blanket.

Conceived February 18, 2003