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Some interesting, informative and creative websites are listed below, along with a brief description of the site. These are here for you to expand your knowledge of certain issues as well as to continue keeping an open mind about new things. Check it.

d d mcleod
If you wish to see some great art, look no further. One of many creative individuals who has decided to openly share his creativity with the world.

Cody Seekins Psychedelic Art
This guy has some amazing art. One has to wonder from which confines of the mind or soul he gets his material. His art is breathtaking and certainly worth a good look.

Erowid Psychoactive Vaults
An interesting and informative site with a massive vault of information on any psychedelic imaginable. For anyone who wishes to gain unbiased knowledge about any substance, and/or learn from actual personal experiences posted there, this site is the place; a source of invaluable information.