. . . |
.. ."And i saw a burning fire which ran without resting, and paused not from its course day or night but ran regularly, and i asked saying 'what is this which rests not ?' Then Raguel, one of the holy angels who was with me answered me and said unto me: 'This course of fire which thou hast seen is the fire in the West which persecutes all the luminaries of Heaven" (Book of Enoch Chapter 23 ) .. . |
"And Aseneth hurried
and put on a fine linen robe of blue woven with gold and
a golden girdle around her waist, and she put bracelets
around her hands and feet, and she put on golden trousers
and a necklace around her neck. And there were precious
stones all about her, with the names of Egyptian Gods
inscribed on them everywhere, on the braclets and on the
stones: and the names of the idols were stamped on the
stones. And she put a tiara on her head and bound a
diadem around her temples and covered her head with a
veil." (Joseph and Aseneth.Chapter 3) |
"And as Aseneth finished her confession to the Lord, lo, the Morning Star rose in the Eastern sky. And Aseneth saw it and rejoiced and said, "The Lord God has indeed heard me, for this star is a messenger and herald of the light of the great day.And lo the heaven was torn open and an indescribable light appeared. And Aseneth fell on her face upon the ashes; and there came to her a man from heaven; and he called to her "Aseneth" and she said "who called me ? For the door of my room is shut and the tower is high, how then did anyone get into my room ?" (Joseph and Aseneth Chapter 14) |
The Pentagonal ideogram is based upon the movements of the Planet Venus as viewed from Earth, what basically occurs is that the planet will appear at five seperate points in the sky over an eight year period, as each of the point appearances takes place over 584 days, this multiplied by the five points to give 5 x 584=2,920, which divides 2,920/8=365. Thus the cycle is one of eight Earth orbits/years, but over the 2,920 days the planet Venus will have undertaken thirteen orbits, as her orbital period is around 224.6 (Earth) days in duration, so 2,920/13=224.6...which gives as a basis for the Earth-Venus relationship the fact that One cycle=8 Earth orbits or 13 Venus orbits.
584 x 5=2,920 days. 2,920/365=8 Earth orbits. |
584 x 5=2,920 days. 2,920/224.6=13 Venus orbits |
. Having established that One Cycle lasts eight Earth orbits to thirteen of Venus, this can be elaborated upon in terms of cycles. Cycles = Earth years =Venus orbits =(Earth+Venus) =(Venus-Earth) 1..............8...................13.......................21...................5 5.............40..................65.....................105..................25 10............80..................130....................210..................50 Those figures can be found to have a very intriguing relationship with the sum of intergers of 20 when set out four square, the sum value of which is 210, a figure which relates to 10 cycles of the Earth/Venus pentagonal ideagram, the 80 Earth orbits of such a cycle being added to the 130 equivalent orbits of Venus to make the composite sum. It can be seen the 5 groups of intergers faced off across the horizontal axis=16 (x 5=80), whilst the 5 groupings faced off across the vertical axis=26 (x 5=130)...the Altar of Israel as given in Exodus was to be five cubits square. "And thou shalt make an altar [of] shittim wood, five cubits long, and five cubits broad; the altar shall be foursquare: and the height thereof shall be three cubits." (Exdodus: 27:1 ) .. .
. It can be seen therefore how the sum of intergers of 20 set thus relates well to the key figures of the Earth/Venus cycle, and also therefore to the design of the Great Pyramid, as this is 210 sandstone masonry courses in height (ABCD), has shafts leading toward the 90th level (D) from the 'Queens Chamber' and shafts leading toward the 105th level (B+C)&(A+D) from the 'Kings Chamber' the respective chambers are set on the 25th course (D-C) and (B-A) and upon the 50th course (C-A) & (D-B). The exact same figures can also be read off a numeric arrangement of five inlaid squares, with the sum of intergers of 4,12,20,28,36 set around them, a concept that if presented in 3D form would of course present itself as a simple stepped monument, such as the pyramid ideology was based upon. .. .. |
Thus whilst the sum of intergers of 20 is one of the squares involved here, the third outward, a radically differant and more complex schemata has produced the exact same readout upon each of the four sides by simply adding the numbers inline with the four cardinal directions, different numbers yet producing the same result. |
Such numeric intrigues were of course of great interest to the ancients, being seen as having mystical qualities, especially more so when these figures directly relate to one of the principle cycles of the Heavens, the Earth and Venus relationship, the vertical axis giving the number of Venus orbits the horizontal axis those of Earth, over 10 cycles. |
One of the numerous enigma involving the Great Pyramid is the incorporation into the design of inbuilt chevrons upon the four sides, barely visible indentations upon each of the masonry faces, whilst these would appear too have no functional or structural engineering purpose, they do however in their respective proportional positioning give furthur key readouts of the five step numeric concept...for furthur readouts give: .. . |
It can be seen that the indicated lines on opposite sides of the square will each add up to 80 when read directly across on the horizontal axis, whilst they will each add up to 130 when read off across the vertical axis. |
The chevron pattern indicated thus is one of the intriguing inbuilt aspects of the Great Pyramid which can only really be obseved from above, seeming to serve no discernable purpose other than symbolic or reflective of numeric/geometric concept. |
. Surprisingly there is another five step numeric construct from which numeric schemata relating to the Eearth/Vvenus cycle can be extracted, this involves the sum of intergers of 4,8,12,16,20 set square (rather than the preceding examples which used 4,12,20,28,36, thus involving increments of 8 per square whilst 4 is demonstrated here). In this model the basic figures we derived from the sum of 20 in the first basic example, ie 15,40,65,90=210, can again be derived, though the method is somewhat more complex... .. . |
It is the chevron values again forming into four groupings each equaling 65 which give the readout that relates to Venus orbits over 5 Pentagon cycles (5x13=65). Added together these will give 260, the number of orbits over 20 cycles, which would be relative to 160 Earth orbits, thus the key readout of this schemata is 160(+/-100)260 |
The 15,40,65,90 readout is derived from adding up the total values of each of the four quadrants/sides and from these deducting the values of the two chevrons on each side, the sum differential of 210 can thus be derived. It should be pointed out that the four inner numbers are each used twice to give the sum readings of the chevrons. |
. This model based on concentic square value increasing by 4, can be reduced from a five step construct to one of four steps and will still give off readings relevent to the Earth/Venus cycle, most especially as regards the figures achieved over 20 such cycles, ie 160(+/-100)260. .. . |
This model has a sum value of 260, the number of Venus orbits over 20 cycles. The quadrants AA+DD add up to 130 as do those opposite of CC+BB. The quadrants BB+DD give the number of Earth orbits over 20 cycles whilst AA+CC gives the differential of 100. |
Deducting the chevron values facing on opposite sides will give a readout of 40 for the horizontal sides and 40 for the vertical sides. If the diagonals of the chrevrons are added together then those of facing sides will each be 88 in total, which is the number of days in one orbit of Mercury. |
. In purely visual terms it's also worth looking at how the preceding figures look when presented as geometrical angles, it can be seen that they lend themselves well to a three dimensional illustration of a pyramid... .. . |
. In conclusion then it has been seen that there are intiguing relationshipd between the numbers of the Fibonacci series, 3,5,8,13,21, and those of the Earth/Venus cycle, which finds correlation in the sum of intergers of 20 (210), and read offs obtained from sums of intergers of stepped square mathamatics. The Earth/Venus cycle can be projected over long periods, and probably it's symbolic culmination occurs every 26,000 years in line with the Precession of the equinoxes as... Cycles........x8(Earth years)............x13(Venus orbits).......Differential 3,150.................25,200.......................40,950...................15,750 3,240.................25,920.......................42,120...................16,200 3,250.................26,000.......................42,250...................16,250 The final differential here agrees with the Earth/Venus orbital period ratio of 365.25/224.7=1.625. Also 42,250=65.0 x 650 whilst the sacred measure of the Neolithic Period was 32.5 inches. (2 x 16.25) In terms of measure the number of inches per foot of twelve and the Hebraic cubit of twenty have a common origin with the Megalithic yard or Var of 32.5 inches, they are derived from the most basic of numeric theory involving the sum of the even and odd numbers from 0 to 10, ie 0+2+4+6+8=20 and (2+8=10 & 4+6=10) 1+3+5+7+9=25 and (3+9=12 & 5+7=12 ) with 1 added to make 13 Bakers Dozens, twelve disciples one master etc Thus the 20 unit of wight and currency and measure as used in Israel derives from the sum of the Even numbers, whilst the measure of 25 became the Sacred Cubit, but also the number combinations were split into two, often symbolising good and evil, such as the ten commandments broken and the ten kept, the ten digits of the left hand side of the body as opposed to the right, or the twelve hours of day and the twelve hours of night, or splitting 25 into two then the 12.5 millenia of Orion rising against the 12.5, millenia of Orion falling...it is this half measure of 12.5 which is added to the 20 sum of the Even numbers to give the measure of 32.5 (20 +12.5=32.5) In conclusion, looking at the Great Pyramid again in more detail, and how it related to the figures 15,40,65,90=210, as derived from the sum of intergers of 20... .. . |
Also the Kings chamber shafts leading to the 105th course have a differential of 15 with those leading to the 90th level from the Queens chamber, ie 105-90=15, one of the numbers of the 15,40,65,90 sequance. As regards the geometry of the cardinal point read-offs of the numeric squares and the diagonal read-offs, then this site on The Concave Faces of the Great Pyramid shows how this possibly was a consideration inbuilt within the masonry, of especial interest is the proposition of how this projected into the three proposed baseline points, as the joining of the dots gives the same schematic as the theoretical concentric square proposition. .. .. |