Hey, Listen...


NEW SONGS are done. i wasted most of my winter break on them, but i guess some of them aren't too aweful... seven have been completed so far for what is tentatively called simply "bang-twang". yeah, mostly folk songs, a space-rock instrumental, an old remake, a beatles cover. no attempt on my part at being able to get these songs to people or make any art for it has been attempted yet. but we'll see...


i finally got a guestbook that works... now god can see us from every awkward angle...

well, after many many tapes, disks, demos, and little e.p's, the 88 miles per hour record was finally put together. It encompasses a large scope of the songs that ended up sounding the least aweful from around summer of 2001 until summer of 2002, and consequently contains a really random selection of different genres from folk rock to electronic. i am probably proud of about half of them, maybe... if'n you really want one, i can probably get you one. just let me know...

the weakdaze bassist and good friend "wayne" has been kind enough to put a few of the better tracks (for pete's sake! and ghost-walking) on mp3 for me, so you can check them out back on the main page if you've really nothing better to do...

the recording of new songs is a slow and aweful process that is currently underway. a few songs are done or in pieces right now. something a little smaller than the full-length might be completed before the snow melts...
